A collaborative project to investigate the relationship between ASC variability (spatial and temporal) and cross-slope heat transport variability. This will use ACCESS-OM2-01 IAF output for monthly and seasonal analysis, and for daily variability analysis we will use a 1-year rerun of the RYF simulation.
This is a central repository where we can work on analysis scripts together, suggest new analysis directions, discuss figures etc.
All aspects of the project are tracked through issues. Create an issue to represent each small task or analysis idea. Issues will develop to include discussion of analysis methods and figures associated with each task.
To start contributing to the code, make your own branch directly in this repository, edit away on your branch, and then submit pull requests between your branch and the master branch (or merge directly if noone else is working on the same code).
Fortnightly Thursday mornings 9:30-11:30am.
Use IAF cycle 3 for monthly, seasonal and interannual analysis (we have daily temp, salt, uhrho_et, vhrho_nt)
Use 1-year rerun of RYF cycle for daily analysis (we have daily temp, salt, uhrho_et, vhrho_nt)
We need:
- Contour data for 3 different isobaths: 650m, 1000m and 1500m. Done. We chose to use the 1000m isobath
- Daily ASC speed on 1000m isobath in IAF experiment, in
$\sigma_0$ coordinate, resampled monthly. 1000m now computed. - Daily ASC speed on 1000m isobath in RYF experiment re-run, in
$\sigma_0$ coordinates. Waiting for the rerun - Daily cross slope heat transport on 1000m isobath in IAF experiment, in
$\sigma_0$ coordinate, subset to monthly data done - Daily cross slope heat transport on 1000m isobath in RYF re-run experiment, in
$\sigma_0$ coordinate Waiting for the rerun
All data used is binned into 10 degrees longitude bins, which smoothes out the high spatial variability of the CSHT
Using the 10 degree binned data in
How do the correlations between ASC and cross-slope heat transport vary with:
- Different water masses (e.g. AASW, CDW and DSW).
- Different time frequencies. Interannual (use annual averages), seasonal (use monthly climatology), high frequency (use daily data and remove monthly climatology).
- Different regions. Try: individual gridpoints on the isobath, small single trough-scale regions, large sectors, circumpolar integrals/averages.
Up until now, we have decided to analyze the relationship between the CSHT and ASC speed in the Water masss space. We are defining three water masses sitting on the 1000m isobath based on their age, normalized for each longitude bin:
- CDW: Defined as waters in each logintude bin with normalized age above 0.95.
- AASW: Surface waters above the CDW
- DSW: Dense waters below CDW
Daily, 10deg binned, CSHT in /g/data/hh5/tmp/access-om/fbd581/ASC_project/Lon_binning/CSHT_potrho0_10degBins.nc
Daily, 10deg binned, CSHT+ZC in /g/data/hh5/tmp/access-om/fbd581/ASC_project/Lon_binning/CSHT_ZC_potrho0_10degBins.nc
Monthly Water masses masks for each 10 degree bins for the IAF simualtion:
Daily climatology of Water masses masks for each 10 degree bins for the daily climatology of the IAF simualtion:
Monthly mean ASC speed in /g/data/v45/wf4500/ASC_project_files/ASC_10deg_bin.nc
Daily climatology of ASC speed in /g/data/v45/wf4500/ASC_project_files/DailyU_climatology_rho_10deg_bins.nc