feat(streamer): add secure cell validation logic using redis
feat(streamer): add secure cell validation logic using redis
chore(streamer): done with the engine!
chore(streamer): done with the engine!
feat(streamer): implementing protobuf for NotifBrokerActor
feat(streamer): implementing protobuf for NotifBrokerActor
fix(streamer): first process data then ack
fix(streamer): first process data then ack
fix(streamer): fix the bug of redis publishing, we should first start…
fix(streamer): fix the bug of redis publishing, we should first start…
feat(streaming): finish kafka streaming
feat(streaming): finish kafka streaming
feat(streaming): add redis pubsub in NotifBrokerActor, supports data …
feat(streaming): add redis pubsub in NotifBrokerActor, supports data …
feat: working on redis and kafka prod/cons pipeline
feat: working on redis and kafka prod/cons pipeline
big push: complete cron scheduler and much more changes
big push: complete cron scheduler and much more changes
coding like a none ordinary coder
coding like a none ordinary coder
add users_hoops migration, model and schema
add users_hoops migration, model and schema
add picer api, an api to upload file on server in an encrypted format
add picer api, an api to upload file on server in an encrypted format
use Crypter trait for easy encryption and decryption process
use Crypter trait for easy encryption and decryption process
test: a simple aes256 crypter for String types
test: a simple aes256 crypter for String types
allowing to pass the token time in apis in swagger ui
allowing to pass the token time in apis in swagger ui
showing structures in swagger ui
showing structures in swagger ui
check that the encrypted data inside rmq queue is the one the redis
check that the encrypted data inside rmq queue is the one the redis
complete consuming RMQ data over WS streaming
complete consuming RMQ data over WS streaming
notif broker model now supports producing and consuming AES256 encryp…
notif broker model now supports producing and consuming AES256 encryp…