A tool written in python to detect the hostility or suspiciousness of a target URL, utilising IPQualityScore API.
Terminal/Any CLI
for using this tool.
from python.org
To install the dependencies, use pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Or, to install them manually -
library ( install using pip3 install requests
library ( install using pip3 install validators
IPQualityScore API Key from their website. Register and get it from IPQualityScore.
Then bind your API Key in the configuration file - malurlscanner.conf
python3 mal_url_analyzer.py -h
To analyze your target URL:
python3 mal_url_analyzer.py -u <YOUR_TARGET_URL>
To specify the configuration file, if located somewhere else:
python3 mal_url_analyzer.py -u <YOUR_TARGET_URL> -c path/to/malurlscanner.conf
Big Thanks to IPQualityScore for providing their API. Check them out here.
Shoutout to my team members who helped to build this tool -