recap is a reporting script that generates reports of various information about the server.
- git - Installation
- bc - arithmetic calculations
- elinks (or another cli web browser) - apache fullstatus
- net-tools - netstat report
- sysstat - provides 'iostat' for I/O statistics
- iotop - simple top-like I/O monitor
- Install the required dependencies:
- Debian/Ubuntu -
apt-get install git bc elinks net-tools sysstat iotop
- RHEL/CentOS -
yum install git bc elinks net-tools sysstat iotop
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Change into the new directory:
cd recap
- Run the installer:
The information captured will be found in log files in the /var/log/recap/
The cron file (/etc/cron.d/recap) is used to determine the execution time of recap. By default the cron execution of the program is not enabled.
The following variables are defined with defaults inside the script but can be overwritten if these variables are defined in /etc/recap
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S
is the format of the date header at the top of the reports/email
is the number of files to maintain for rotation purposes
Additional optional variables are as follows:
i.e., MAILTO=""
do you want to generate the ps.log? (no/yes) default yes
do you want to generate the resources.log? (no/yes) default yes
do you want to generate sar reports? (no/yes) default no
do you want to generate sar -r reports? (no/yes) default no
do you want to generate sar -q reports? (no/yes) default no
do you want to generate "service httpd fullstatus" reports? (no/yes) default no
See the recap man pages for additional optional reports. Some reports depend on parent reports to generate the file they will write their output to.
For instance, the USESAR
reports above all rely on having USERESOURCES
The script will never need to be modified for these variables, they
can all be defined in /etc/recap
If you want a backup of the last file created before a reboot
uncomment the @reboot
line in the crontab file /etc/cron.d/recap
Uncomment the lines to enable the backup
Package name: recap
Author: The Common Public
Maintainers: Brent Oswald, Benjamin Graham, Simone Soldateschi
License: GPL 2.0
Original authors at Rackspace (
-Jacob Walcik
-Carl Thompson
Past contributors at Rackspace:
-David King
-Hans duPlooy
-All other should be defined in CHANGELOG