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A simple plugin to show notice bar in WordPress sites.


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=== Notice Bar ===
Contributors: wen-solutions, wenthemes
Donate link:
Tags: notice, bar, floating bar, message, notication, sticky header, notification bar, announcement, alert, offer bar
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

A simple plugin to show notice bar in WordPress sites.

== Description ==

This plugin helps to display notice bar in WordPress sites.


**Status :** You can either enable or disable notice bar by choosing ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ option.

**Theme :** Available theme for notice bar is ‘Default’ by default.

**Message :** Your custom message input on this field will display on your notice bar in your frontend. It supports HTML markups as well.

**Position :** You can position your notice bar at absolute top or bottom or make it sticky by selecting available options.

**Button Label :** Text for the button label. If button label value is empty, button would remain hidden.

**Button Link :** To hyperlink your custom message when user clicks this button.

**Button Target :** To either open the link page in same window or separate window.

**Background Color :** You can play around with many different color schemes for customizing your notice bar background.

**Font Color :** You can adjust color of those texts within your notice bar.

**Font Size :** You can adjust size of the message within your notice bar.

**Hide/Close Button :** You can control the display of notice bar in three mode : Toggle button, Close button or No button .

*Preview button* would be helpful for you to see the run time action of the Notice Bar while you are changing the plugin options

== Installation ==

= Using The WordPress Dashboard =

1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
2. Search for `notice-bar`
3. Click `Install Now`
4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

= Uploading in WordPress Dashboard =

1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
2. Navigate to the 'Upload' area
3. Select `` from your computer
4. Click 'Install Now'
5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

= Using FTP =

1. Download ``
2. Extract the `notice-bar` directory to your computer
3. Upload the `notice-bar` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= There is something cool you could add... =

Nice, make a post on the [Support Forum]( "Notice Bar Support") and let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve our plugins.

== Screenshots ==

1. Plugin Settings
2. Plugin Front end

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==
Notice Bar