lidar_camera_calib is a tool that extends Pixel-level Extrinsic Self Calibration of High Resolution LiDAR and Camera in Targetless Environments to spinning LiDARs (e.g. Velodyne, Ouster).
The original tool is a robust, high accuracy extrinsic calibration tool LiDAR-camera calibration in a targetless environment. The algorithm can run in both indoor and outdoor settings, and only requires edge information in the scene. If the scene is suitable, we can achieve pixel-level accuracy similar to or even beyond the target based method.
- Extends an automatic targetless extrinsic calibration tool for LiDAR-Camera Calibration to spinning LiDARs as well. It has been tested in both indoor and outdoor environments and algorithm is able to converge and have good accuracy.
- Supports ROS2 (has been tested with ROS2 Humble).
Ubuntu 64-bit 22.04. ROS2 Humble and additional ROS package:
sudo apt-get install ros-XXX-cv-bridge ros-xxx-pcl-conversions
rosdep install --from-paths ./src --ignore-packages-from-source --rosdistro humble -y
Follow Eigen Installation
Follow Ceres Installation.
Follow PCL Installation. (Our code is tested with PCL1.12)
- Record a ROS2 bag file while moving the LiDAR-camera setup. During our testing, we tried both lateral translation and pitching motion and both yielded good convergence, although pitching will give you a denser pointcloud.
- Clone, build and run lidarslam_ros2 on this bag file and generate a PCD file. You can apply this patch to run with our example bag files.
- Extract the first image from the recorded camera data in this bag file and save it. You can use the given script for this.
- Modify the calib.yaml, change the data path to your local data path and provide the instrinsic matrix and distor coeffs for your camera. Run the package as
ros2 launch lidar_camera_calib
You can find ROS2 bags and PCD and image files that we have collected here