Quantitative profiling of stoichiometry with 15nt mass tags and LFQ
A chemoproteomic strategy called “STO-MS” to systematically quantify the PTM stoichiometry in complex biological samples github paper
- A novel nucleic acid mass tag with better resolution.
- Label-free quantificaton method allows for simpler sample preparation and higher sample throughput.
- Gaussian fitting of band intensity allows for better identification of modification species.
cd example
python ../scripts/maxq_compare_proGrp_LFQ.py \
uniprot_sprot_HUMAN_160504.fasta \
exp.list \
markers.txt \
. \
'-UDP_' \
'+UDP_' > log.txt
Options explanation:
fasta with all protein sequnces
id of each fraction
shift of each marker
working directory
prefix of the first sample
prefix of the second sample
Output final results:
grep 'STAT' log.txt > stoichiometry.txt