These rules are the most stringent, which allow you to control all types of data in your project, as well as more strictly determine the order of imports.
$ npm install @angular-ru/eslint-config-enterprise -D
Also you do not need to manually install ESLint, it will always be the newest.
Add to your .eslintrc.json
"extends": "@angular-ru/eslint-config-enterprise"
Check out eslint:
$ eslint "**/*.ts"
or .eslintrc.js
extends: '@angular-ru/eslint-config-enterprise',
rules: {
// override extended rules
You can add your own words that will be skipped during the spellcheck.
Create .spellcheckerrc.json
or .spellcheckerrc.js
"skipWords": ["these", "words", "will", "be", "skipped"]
"extends": "@angular-ru/eslint-config-enterprise",
"rules": {
"import/no-deprecated": "error"