[WIP super extremly very much] port onscripter-en to csharp, DONNOT use me now
- not stable, not work now
- 2024-10-01: migrate from gitee to github
ref: onscripter_en_fork2_sdlport2_20240915_v1_min.zip - 2021-06-20: first commit to gitee ref: onscripter_en_fork2_sdlport2_master_min.zip
- 2020-10-04: onsharp_v1.rar
- (old project, not used) https://gitee.com/weimingtom2000/onscripter_csharp
- (base code) https://github.com/weimingtom/onscripter_en_fork2_sdlport2
- put vendor files (and mod, to compare) about onscripter_en_fork2_sdlport2
CLib.cs:582, not implemented
public static uint fread(UnsignedCharPtr buffer, uint size, uint count, FILEPtr fp)
public static uint fread(CharPtr buffer, uint size, uint count, FILEPtr fp)
public static uint fwrite(UnsignedCharPtr buffer, uint size, uint count, FILEPtr fp)
public static uint fwrite(CharPtr buffer, uint size, uint count, FILEPtr fp)
public static long SHGetFolderPathA(int param1, UInt32 param2, int param3, int param4, CharPtr hpath)