This package contains an implementation of the Polynomial String Kernel and a linear time String Kernel algorithm as described in our paper, High Resolution Ancestry Deconvolution for Next Generation Genomic Data.
It offers
Linear time computation of two effective string kernels.
Compatibility with Scikit-Learn's Support Vector Machines (easy plug-in).
To install the package, execute from the command line
pip install string-kernels
And then you're all set!
Assuming you have Scikit-Learn already installed, you can use Lodhi's string kernel via
from sklearn import svm
from stringkernels.kernels import string_kernel
model = svm.SVC(kernel=string_kernel())
and the polynomial string kernel,
from sklearn import svm
from stringkernels.kernels import polynomial_string_kernel
model = svm.SVC(kernel=polynomial_string_kernel())
For morer information read the docs or take a look at the notebook example.ipynb for further demonstration of usage.
If you end up using this in your research we kindly ask you to cite us! :)