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Installation Guide

ephellon edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Installing Web to Plex using a storefront

Chrome Web Store stable โ€” Chrome, Edge, and Opera

Microsoft Addons prototype โ€” Edge

Firefox Add-ons stable โ€” Firefox

Opera Add-ons stable โ€” Opera

App Store prototype โ€” Safari (NOT AVAILABLE)

Installing Web to Plex using compiled packages

Compiled Package (.crx) stable latest โ€” Chrome, Edge, and Opera (Developer Mode must be enabled)

  1. Download the Chromium package
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension

Compiled Package (.crx) prototype latest โ€” Edge (Developer Mode must be enabled)

  1. Download the Edge package
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension

Compiled Package (.xpi) stable latest โ€” Firefox

  1. Download the Mozilla package
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension

Compiled Package (.crx) stable latest โ€” Opera (Developer Mode must be enabled)

  1. Download the Opera package
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension

Compiled Package (.safari-ext) prototype โ€” Safari (NOT AVAILABLE)

  1. ...

Installing Web to Plex using source code packages

Source Code Package (.zip) prototype latest โ€” Chrome/Edge/Opera (Developer Mode must be enabled)

  1. Download the Chromium package
  2. Unzip the file in a permanent location (the extension is loaded from that location every-time)
  3. Go to chrome://extensions
  4. In the top left corner, click Load unpacked and go to the location you chose

Source Code Package (.zip) prototype latest โ€” Edge (Developer Mode must be enabled)

  1. Download the Edge package
  2. Unzip the file in a permanent location (the extension is loaded from that location every-time)
  3. Go to edge://extensions
  4. In the top right corner, click Load unpacked and go to the location you chose

Source Code Package (.zip) prototype latest โ€” Firefox

  1. Download the Mozilla package
  2. Go to about:addons
  3. Click the gear icon (drop-down menu)
  4. Click Install Add-on From File... and choose the ZIP you downloaded

Source Code Package (.zip) prototype latest โ€” Opera (Developer Mode must be enabled)

  1. Download the Opera package
  2. Unzip the file in a permanent location (the extension is loaded from that location every-time)
  3. Go to chrome://extensions
  4. In the top left corner, click Load unpacked and go to the location you chose

Source Code Package (.zip) prototype latest โ€” Safari (NOT AVAILABLE)

  1. ...

Enabling Developer Mode

Chrome, and Opera

  1. Go to chrome://extensions
  2. In the top right corner, enable Developer mode

Enabling Developer Mode for Edge


  1. Go to edge://extensions
  2. In the bottom left corner, enable Developer mode