Web client of the Sentency Project created using Angular and Typescript. This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.0.4.
The list of all the third party frameworks used in this project:
- Angular Material: Material Design components for Angular
- Sentry: From error tracking to performance monitoring, developers can see what actually matters,
To deploy the project first is necessary to build the Docker image. Use the command:
docker build -t sentency-web .
The project load environment variables to fill some important parameters on the server. They can be defined when running the docker image, on the docker-compose or in the environment itself.
- ENV_BASE_URL: If it is production or development. Production flavor will try to use Postgre
- ENV_API_KEY: Value that will be used to wrap all calls.
- ENV_SITE_KEY: ReCaptcha site key used when getting the token