Releases: wateredstorm/ReactMap
Releases · wateredstorm/ReactMap
1.22.0-develop.1 (2024-01-17)
Bug Fixes
- #824 - single route with multiple dbs (ba78e21)
API checks (22bb9ea)routes
translation (6e58e86)this.refetch
check (e57f1b0)- active scanNext/scanZone btns (5d5f8bb)
- active state event listeners (72d21b1)
- active weather (6541aa8)
- actually fix them (fa56556)
- actually pass in the api key... (d95bd2f)
- add a blank perms object if it's missing on session init (6b864cd)
- add copy button for uuid (d1a1b5d)
- add custom fab fallback (168d093)
- add helpers for route/routes (7cad59e)
- add limit checking when sending to golbat (4124df9)
- add permission status to notif options menu (c44a75c)
- add pokemon timer (07fa82f)
- add routes to allowed menu items (ab8cb0c)
- add routes to auth log (89c23bd)
- add ts-check to clearStorage (6caad39)
- adding tracks (fa3419f)
- adjust expert description (d6f04e0)
- admin items (7e6a62e)
- adv filter options on mobile (93234c3)
- alignment uicons by id (b17753f)
- also if map perm is missing (6abc14e)
- also show types in quick select (c3f35dc)
- apply to all btns (19997aa)
- area count state (efccd1d)
- area restrictions (5aed6e4)
- areaRestrictions (0bd5809)
- assorted jsdoc/type fixes (234d0c2)
- available for other permissions (425ab3a)
- avoid false positives for limit hit (021ce42)
- backend fallbacks (388c14e)
- backend fixes (ad72057)
- backend locales (612a61c)
- backend timezone (8f19786)
- backups (0dfb610)
- badge height (99e2d01)
- better click behavior (7dd2d54)
- better experience for viewing poracle tracks (8c20ec7)
- better feedback when saving (8240d5e)
- better formatting (15be28b)
- better masterfile file reading (25d9884)
- better popup behavior (64f5f87)
- better regex for mapping minified errors (cd0c28b)
- better req errors in event manager (1c98646)
- better slide/input behaviors (98686b8)
- blocked page (e0b5304)
- bug when saving new profiles (541472e)
- calculate client timezone server side (cf0b386)
- call locales creation within vite build (e26d2e2)
- casing fallbacks (a466988)
- catch bad play attempts (5c68483)
- category toggles (151ce50)
- change how uicons size fn works (2bac568)
- change loading indicator (9629b49)
- change poi translation (3b9922f)
- check for db models (1e95bf1)
- check for ref on telegram btn when removing (5eec42a)
- ci commit messages (ca42361)
- ci stuff (f960d91)
- cleanup (89b851d)
- cleanup from slot selection changes (57ae335)
- cleanup locales (5b825f5)
- cleanups (52690be)
- cleanups (9ac88ca)
- closing menu fn (21a14d4)
- clustering crashes (9852b68)
- clustering logic (eb0e6b6)
- code organization (7ced12e)
- color consistency (4d9add5)
- config calls (a7112b3)
- config typing (97cab72)
- consistent timestamp (9792e1c)
- couple of fixes (ac2a1c5)
- custom components normalizing ([ca14e7b](