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disable audit and perfcheck #6

disable audit and perfcheck

disable audit and perfcheck #6

Workflow file for this run

# name: perfcheck
# on:
# # merge_group:
# # branches:
# # - master
# pull_request:
# paths:
# - .github/workflows/perfcheck.yml
# - .cargo/config.toml
# - scripts/ci/vegeta_report_to_csv.jq
# - Cargo.lock
# - Cargo.toml
# - src/**
# push:
# branches:
# - master
# paths:
# - .github/workflows/perfcheck.yml
# - .cargo/config.toml
# - scripts/ci/vegeta_report_to_csv.jq
# - Cargo.lock
# - Cargo.toml
# - src/**
# jobs:
# benchmark:
# name: benchmark
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# env:
# # Cargo binary
# CARGO_BIN: cargo
# # When CARGO_BIN is set to CROSS, this is set to `--target`.
# # When CARGO_BIN is set to CROSS, TARGET_DIR includes
# TARGET_DIR: ./target
# # Rustc flags needed by the `all` features
# RUSTFLAGS: "--cfg tokio_unstable"
# # SWS features for Cargo build
# CARGO_FEATURES: "--features=all"
# # Version of the vegeta binary
# VEGETA_VERSION: "12.11.1"
# # Command-line parameters for the vegeta binary
# VEGETA_FLAGS: "-workers=4 -connections=100 -rate=${{ matrix.rate }} -duration=10s"
# # Version of the caddy binary
# CADDY_VERSION: "2.7.6"
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - title: "Small file (dynamic compression)"
# url: http://localhost:8080/small.txt
# rate: "1000/s"
# - title: "Small file (pre-compressed)"
# url: http://localhost:8080/small_precompressed.txt
# rate: "1000/s"
# - title: "Large file (dynamic compression)"
# url: http://localhost:8080/large.txt
# rate: "200/s"
# - title: "Large file (pre-compressed)"
# url: http://localhost:8080/large_precompressed.txt
# rate: "500/s"
# - title: "Directory listing (many files)"
# url: http://localhost:8080/
# rate: "1000/s"
# - title: "Directory listing (empty directory)"
# url: http://localhost:8080/emptydir/
# rate: "1000/s"
# - title: "Small directory index file"
# url: http://localhost:8080/dirsmallindex/
# rate: "1000/s"
# - title: "Large directory index file"
# url: http://localhost:8080/dirlargeindex/
# rate: "200/s"
# - title: "Not found"
# url: http://localhost:8080/not_found
# rate: "1000/s"
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# fetch-depth: 1
# - name: Checkout benchmark-setup repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: static-web-server/benchmarks-setup
# ref: v0.2
# path: benchmarks-setup
# fetch-depth: 1
# - name: Cache Rust Cargo/Toolchain
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: |
# ~/.cargo
# **/target
# key: rust-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }}
# restore-keys: |
# rust-
# - name: Install vegeta binary
# run: |
# curl -L${{ env.VEGETA_VERSION }}/vegeta_${{ env.VEGETA_VERSION }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar xz
# echo "Downloaded vegeta"
# ./vegeta --version
# - name: Install caddy binary
# run: |
# curl -L${{ env.CADDY_VERSION }}/caddy_${{ env.CADDY_VERSION }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar xz caddy
# echo "Downloaded caddy"
# ./caddy --version
# - name: Install web server software
# uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@latest
# with:
# packages: apache2 lighttpd nginx
# version: 1.0
# - name: Install Rust
# uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
# with:
# toolchain: stable
# target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
# - name: Show command used for Cargo
# run: |
# echo "cargo command is: ${{ env.CARGO_BIN }}"
# echo "target flag is: ${{ env.TARGET_FLAGS }}"
# echo "target dir is: ${{ env.TARGET_DIR }}"
# - name: Build release binary
# run: ${{ env.CARGO_BIN }} build --bin static-web-server -vv --release ${{ env.CARGO_FEATURES }} ${{ env.TARGET_FLAGS }}
# - name: Initialize graph.csv
# run: echo "Sample, min, mean, 50th, 90th, 95th, 99th, max" > graph.csv
# - name: Run SWS benchmark
# run: |
# NAME=$(${{ env.TARGET_DIR }}/release/static-web-server --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/^Version: */sws /' -e 's/static-web-server/sws/' -e 's/$/ (src)/')
# REPORT=report_sws.bin
# ${{ env.TARGET_DIR }}/release/static-web-server --config-file benchmarks-setup/config/sws.toml &
# sleep 2
# echo "GET ${{ matrix.url }}" | ./vegeta attack -name "$NAME" ${{ env.VEGETA_FLAGS }} > $REPORT
# kill %1
# ./vegeta report -type=text $REPORT
# ./vegeta report -type=json $REPORT | jq --arg name "$NAME" -r -f scripts/ci/vegeta_report_to_csv.jq >> graph.csv
# - name: Run Apache benchmark
# run: |
# NAME=$(apache2 -v | sed 's/.*: //' | sed 's/ .*//' | sed 's!/! !' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# REPORT=report_apache.bin
# apache2 -D FOREGROUND -f `pwd`/benchmarks-setup/config/apache.conf &
# sleep 2
# echo "GET ${{ matrix.url }}" | ./vegeta attack -name "$NAME" ${{ env.VEGETA_FLAGS }} > $REPORT
# kill %1
# ./vegeta report -type=text $REPORT
# ./vegeta report -type=json $REPORT | jq --arg name "$NAME" -r -f scripts/ci/vegeta_report_to_csv.jq >> graph.csv
# - name: Run lighttpd benchmark
# run: |
# NAME=$(lighttpd -v | sed 's/ .*//' | sed 's!/! !')
# REPORT=report_lighttpd.bin
# lighttpd -D -f `pwd`/benchmarks-setup/config/lighttpd.conf &
# sleep 2
# URL="${{ matrix.url }}"
# if [[ $URL == *"_precompressed"* ]]; then
# # lighttpd does not really support pre-compressed files, request them explicitly
# URL="${{ matrix.url }}.gz"
# fi
# echo "GET $URL" | ./vegeta attack -name "$NAME" ${{ env.VEGETA_FLAGS }} > $REPORT
# kill %1
# ./vegeta report -type=text $REPORT
# ./vegeta report -type=json $REPORT | jq --arg name "$NAME" -r -f scripts/ci/vegeta_report_to_csv.jq >> graph.csv
# - name: Run nginx benchmark
# run: |
# NAME=$(nginx -v 2>&1 | sed 's/.*: //' | sed 's/ .*//' | sed 's!/! !')
# REPORT=report_nginx.bin
# nginx -c `pwd`/benchmarks-setup/config/nginx.conf &
# sleep 2
# echo "GET ${{ matrix.url }}" | ./vegeta attack -name "$NAME" ${{ env.VEGETA_FLAGS }} > $REPORT
# kill %1
# ./vegeta report -type=text $REPORT
# ./vegeta report -type=json $REPORT | jq --arg name "$NAME" -r -f scripts/ci/vegeta_report_to_csv.jq >> graph.csv
# - name: Run caddy benchmark
# run: |
# NAME="caddy $(./caddy -v | sed 's/ .*//')"
# REPORT=report_caddy.bin
# ./caddy run -c `pwd`/benchmarks-setup/config/Caddyfile &
# sleep 2
# echo "GET ${{ matrix.url }}" | ./vegeta attack -name "$NAME" ${{ env.VEGETA_FLAGS }} > $REPORT
# kill %1
# ./vegeta report -type=text $REPORT
# ./vegeta report -type=json $REPORT | jq --arg name "$NAME" -r -f scripts/ci/vegeta_report_to_csv.jq >> graph.csv
# - name: Set up Python
# uses: actions/setup-python@v5
# with:
# python-version: '3.12'
# - name: Install pipx
# run: pip install pipx
# - name: Produce plot
# run: |
# ./vegeta plot --title "${{ matrix.title }}" report_*.bin > detailed_plot.html
# cat graph.csv
# cat graph.csv | sed -e 's/,/|/g' -e 's/"//g' -e 's/^/|/' -e 's/$/|/' -e '2 i |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
# pipx run graph-cli --barh --bar-label --xlabel '' --ylabel 'Latency (ms)' --title "${{ matrix.title }}" --figsize 1200x800 --fontsize 10 --ytick-angle 45 --ytick-align top -o overview.png graph.csv
# - name: Upload benchmark plots
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: ${{ matrix.title }}
# path: |
# detailed_plot.html
# overview.png
# merge-artifacts:
# name: merge-artifacts
# needs: benchmark
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# steps:
# - name: Merge benchmark plots
# uses: actions/upload-artifact/merge@v4
# with:
# name: Benchmark plots
# separate-directories: true
# delete-merged: true