- Proxima Nova (light, regular, semibold, bold, extrabold) - free font from adobe fonts https://fonts.adobe.com/fonts/proxima-nova#licensing-section
- Canaro (light, book, medium, bold, black) - premium font
- Logo is Grobold font, but it is not used as text - free for personal use https://www.fontshungry.com/grobold-font/
- Icomoon - not sure about rights https://icomoon.io/
- close
- minimize
- en/fr language switch
- launching the game
- executes main game executable with width, height, fullscreen, monitor number
- after launch it waits 1s and quits the launcher
- lists resolutions to pick from
- resolution that display reports back
- list of predefined resolutions
- marks monitor resolution as default/selected
- stores in "localStorage"
- selected resolution
- selected monitor (despite it is removed)
- if fullscreen was selected or not
- Data endpoint https://www.castlestory.net/api/web/launcher/get_infos?lang={language}
- language looks like differs between en and fr only
- ... render news panel
- Data endpoint https://www.castlestory.net/api/web/launcher/get_credits?lang={language}
- language looks like differs between en and fr only
- ... render credits modal with close button
- online player profiles
- sign-in/sign-out buttons
- lists displays to pick from
- forum badge popup - I think it is just old
- Dx9/Dx11 switch
- En/Fr switch