diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 498e9cddb..b49ecbc0d 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
err="${dist}/gen-items-error.log" />
@@ -101,6 +105,7 @@
diff --git a/docs/API-Reference.md b/docs/API-Reference.md
index fad5eb2b0..b62464a50 100644
--- a/docs/API-Reference.md
+++ b/docs/API-Reference.md
@@ -436,8 +436,6 @@ Walter Higgins
* [signs.getTargetedBy() function](#signsgettargetedby-function)
* [The slash Module](#the-slash-module)
* [The slash() function](#the-slash-function)
- * [Sounds Module](#sounds-module)
- * [Usage (Bukkit) :](#usage-bukkit-)
* [Spawn Module](#spawn-module)
* [Parameters](#parameters)
* [Example](#example-2)
@@ -507,8 +505,12 @@ Walter Higgins
* [Usage](#usage-13)
* [Items module (CanaryMod version)](#items-module-canarymod-version)
* [Usage](#usage-14)
- * [Entities module](#entities-module)
+ * [Sounds module (SpigotMC version)](#sounds-module-spigotmc-version)
* [Usage](#usage-15)
+ * [Sounds module (CanaryMod version)](#sounds-module-canarymod-version)
+ * [Usage](#usage-16)
+ * [Entities module](#entities-module)
+ * [Usage](#usage-17)
## Modules in Scriptcraft
@@ -5279,31 +5281,6 @@ slash([
], johnDoe);
-## Sounds Module
-This module is a simple wrapper around the Bukkit Sound class and provides
-a simpler way to play sounds. All of the org.bukkit.Sound Enum values are attached.
-### Usage (Bukkit) :
- var sounds = require('sounds');
- sounds.play( bukkit.sound.VILLAGER_NO , self, 1, 0); // plays VILLAGER_NO sound at full volume and medium pitch
- sounds.play( bukkit.sound.VILLAGER_NO , self ); // same as previous statement
-The play() function takes either a Location object or any object which has a location.
-The volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 and the pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4.
-In addition, a play function is provided for each possible sound using the following rules:
-1. The sound is converted from ALL_CAPS_UNDERSCORE to camelCase so for example there is a sounds.villagerNo() function which will play the VILLAGER_NO sound.
-2. Each such function can take 3 parameters: location (which can be either an actual Location object or an object which has a location), volume and pitch
-3. Or... each such function can be called without parameters meaning the sound will be played for all online players to hear.
- sounds.villagerNo(self, 1, 0); // plays VILLAGER_NO sound at full volume and medium pitch at invoker's location
- sounds.villagerNo(); // plays VILLAGER_NO sound for all players online.
-These methods are provided for convenience to help beginners explore sounds using TAB completion.
## Spawn Module
Provides a single function to 'spawn' an entity at a given location.
@@ -7362,6 +7339,784 @@ The following functions are provided:
* zombieHead()
+## Sounds module (SpigotMC version)
+This module provides a simple way to play sounds.
+### Usage
+ var sounds = require("sounds");
+ // plays ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL sound at full volume and medium pitch
+ sounds.play( org.bukkit.Sound.ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL, self, 1, 0);
+ // same as previous statement
+ sounds.play( org.bukkit.Sound.ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL , self );
+The play() function takes as parameters:
+ * A Sound value (see https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html for a list of possible values)
+ * A Location orbject or any object which has a location
+ * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)
+ * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)
+In addition, the Sounds module provides a suite of helper functions - one for each possible sound.
+ var sounds = require("sounds");
+ // same as previous examples
+ sounds.entityWolfHowl( self );
+Each of the following functions takes as parameters:
+ * A Location orbject or any object which has a location
+ * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)
+ * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)
+The following functions are provided for convenience and to help beginners explore sounds using TAB completion:
+ * ambientCave()
+ * blockAnvilBreak()
+ * blockAnvilDestroy()
+ * blockAnvilFall()
+ * blockAnvilHit()
+ * blockAnvilLand()
+ * blockAnvilPlace()
+ * blockAnvilStep()
+ * blockAnvilUse()
+ * blockBrewingStandBrew()
+ * blockChestClose()
+ * blockChestLocked()
+ * blockChestOpen()
+ * blockChorusFlowerDeath()
+ * blockChorusFlowerGrow()
+ * blockClothBreak()
+ * blockClothFall()
+ * blockClothHit()
+ * blockClothPlace()
+ * blockClothStep()
+ * blockComparatorClick()
+ * blockDispenserDispense()
+ * blockDispenserFail()
+ * blockDispenserLaunch()
+ * blockEnchantmentTableUse()
+ * blockEndGatewaySpawn()
+ * blockEndPortalFrameFill()
+ * blockEndPortalSpawn()
+ * blockEnderchestClose()
+ * blockEnderchestOpen()
+ * blockFenceGateClose()
+ * blockFenceGateOpen()
+ * blockFireAmbient()
+ * blockFireExtinguish()
+ * blockFurnaceFireCrackle()
+ * blockGlassBreak()
+ * blockGlassFall()
+ * blockGlassHit()
+ * blockGlassPlace()
+ * blockGlassStep()
+ * blockGrassBreak()
+ * blockGrassFall()
+ * blockGrassHit()
+ * blockGrassPlace()
+ * blockGrassStep()
+ * blockGravelBreak()
+ * blockGravelFall()
+ * blockGravelHit()
+ * blockGravelPlace()
+ * blockGravelStep()
+ * blockIronDoorClose()
+ * blockIronDoorOpen()
+ * blockIronTrapdoorClose()
+ * blockIronTrapdoorOpen()
+ * blockLadderBreak()
+ * blockLadderFall()
+ * blockLadderHit()
+ * blockLadderPlace()
+ * blockLadderStep()
+ * blockLavaAmbient()
+ * blockLavaExtinguish()
+ * blockLavaPop()
+ * blockLeverClick()
+ * blockMetalBreak()
+ * blockMetalFall()
+ * blockMetalHit()
+ * blockMetalPlace()
+ * blockMetalPressureplateClickOff()
+ * blockMetalPressureplateClickOn()
+ * blockMetalStep()
+ * blockNoteBasedrum()
+ * blockNoteBass()
+ * blockNoteBell()
+ * blockNoteChime()
+ * blockNoteFlute()
+ * blockNoteGuitar()
+ * blockNoteHarp()
+ * blockNoteHat()
+ * blockNotePling()
+ * blockNoteSnare()
+ * blockNoteXylophone()
+ * blockPistonContract()
+ * blockPistonExtend()
+ * blockPortalAmbient()
+ * blockPortalTravel()
+ * blockPortalTrigger()
+ * blockRedstoneTorchBurnout()
+ * blockSandBreak()
+ * blockSandFall()
+ * blockSandHit()
+ * blockSandPlace()
+ * blockSandStep()
+ * blockShulkerBoxClose()
+ * blockShulkerBoxOpen()
+ * blockSlimeBreak()
+ * blockSlimeFall()
+ * blockSlimeHit()
+ * blockSlimePlace()
+ * blockSlimeStep()
+ * blockSnowBreak()
+ * blockSnowFall()
+ * blockSnowHit()
+ * blockSnowPlace()
+ * blockSnowStep()
+ * blockStoneBreak()
+ * blockStoneButtonClickOff()
+ * blockStoneButtonClickOn()
+ * blockStoneFall()
+ * blockStoneHit()
+ * blockStonePlace()
+ * blockStonePressureplateClickOff()
+ * blockStonePressureplateClickOn()
+ * blockStoneStep()
+ * blockTripwireAttach()
+ * blockTripwireClickOff()
+ * blockTripwireClickOn()
+ * blockTripwireDetach()
+ * blockWaterAmbient()
+ * blockWaterlilyPlace()
+ * blockWoodBreak()
+ * blockWoodButtonClickOff()
+ * blockWoodButtonClickOn()
+ * blockWoodFall()
+ * blockWoodHit()
+ * blockWoodPlace()
+ * blockWoodPressureplateClickOff()
+ * blockWoodPressureplateClickOn()
+ * blockWoodStep()
+ * blockWoodenDoorClose()
+ * blockWoodenDoorOpen()
+ * blockWoodenTrapdoorClose()
+ * blockWoodenTrapdoorOpen()
+ * enchantThornsHit()
+ * entityArmorstandBreak()
+ * entityArmorstandFall()
+ * entityArmorstandHit()
+ * entityArmorstandPlace()
+ * entityArrowHit()
+ * entityArrowHitPlayer()
+ * entityArrowShoot()
+ * entityBatAmbient()
+ * entityBatDeath()
+ * entityBatHurt()
+ * entityBatLoop()
+ * entityBatTakeoff()
+ * entityBlazeAmbient()
+ * entityBlazeBurn()
+ * entityBlazeDeath()
+ * entityBlazeHurt()
+ * entityBlazeShoot()
+ * entityBoatPaddleLand()
+ * entityBoatPaddleWater()
+ * entityBobberRetrieve()
+ * entityBobberSplash()
+ * entityBobberThrow()
+ * entityCatAmbient()
+ * entityCatDeath()
+ * entityCatHiss()
+ * entityCatHurt()
+ * entityCatPurr()
+ * entityCatPurreow()
+ * entityChickenAmbient()
+ * entityChickenDeath()
+ * entityChickenEgg()
+ * entityChickenHurt()
+ * entityChickenStep()
+ * entityCowAmbient()
+ * entityCowDeath()
+ * entityCowHurt()
+ * entityCowMilk()
+ * entityCowStep()
+ * entityCreeperDeath()
+ * entityCreeperHurt()
+ * entityCreeperPrimed()
+ * entityDonkeyAmbient()
+ * entityDonkeyAngry()
+ * entityDonkeyChest()
+ * entityDonkeyDeath()
+ * entityDonkeyHurt()
+ * entityEggThrow()
+ * entityElderGuardianAmbient()
+ * entityElderGuardianAmbientLand()
+ * entityElderGuardianCurse()
+ * entityElderGuardianDeath()
+ * entityElderGuardianDeathLand()
+ * entityElderGuardianFlop()
+ * entityElderGuardianHurt()
+ * entityElderGuardianHurtLand()
+ * entityEnderdragonAmbient()
+ * entityEnderdragonDeath()
+ * entityEnderdragonFireballExplode()
+ * entityEnderdragonFlap()
+ * entityEnderdragonGrowl()
+ * entityEnderdragonHurt()
+ * entityEnderdragonShoot()
+ * entityEndereyeDeath()
+ * entityEndereyeLaunch()
+ * entityEndermenAmbient()
+ * entityEndermenDeath()
+ * entityEndermenHurt()
+ * entityEndermenScream()
+ * entityEndermenStare()
+ * entityEndermenTeleport()
+ * entityEndermiteAmbient()
+ * entityEndermiteDeath()
+ * entityEndermiteHurt()
+ * entityEndermiteStep()
+ * entityEnderpearlThrow()
+ * entityEvocationFangsAttack()
+ * entityEvocationIllagerAmbient()
+ * entityEvocationIllagerCastSpell()
+ * entityEvocationIllagerDeath()
+ * entityEvocationIllagerHurt()
+ * entityEvocationIllagerPrepareAttack()
+ * entityEvocationIllagerPrepareSummon()
+ * entityEvocationIllagerPrepareWololo()
+ * entityExperienceBottleThrow()
+ * entityExperienceOrbPickup()
+ * entityFireworkBlast()
+ * entityFireworkBlastFar()
+ * entityFireworkLargeBlast()
+ * entityFireworkLargeBlastFar()
+ * entityFireworkLaunch()
+ * entityFireworkShoot()
+ * entityFireworkTwinkle()
+ * entityFireworkTwinkleFar()
+ * entityGenericBigFall()
+ * entityGenericBurn()
+ * entityGenericDeath()
+ * entityGenericDrink()
+ * entityGenericEat()
+ * entityGenericExplode()
+ * entityGenericExtinguishFire()
+ * entityGenericHurt()
+ * entityGenericSmallFall()
+ * entityGenericSplash()
+ * entityGenericSwim()
+ * entityGhastAmbient()
+ * entityGhastDeath()
+ * entityGhastHurt()
+ * entityGhastScream()
+ * entityGhastShoot()
+ * entityGhastWarn()
+ * entityGuardianAmbient()
+ * entityGuardianAmbientLand()
+ * entityGuardianAttack()
+ * entityGuardianDeath()
+ * entityGuardianDeathLand()
+ * entityGuardianFlop()
+ * entityGuardianHurt()
+ * entityGuardianHurtLand()
+ * entityHorseAmbient()
+ * entityHorseAngry()
+ * entityHorseArmor()
+ * entityHorseBreathe()
+ * entityHorseDeath()
+ * entityHorseEat()
+ * entityHorseGallop()
+ * entityHorseHurt()
+ * entityHorseJump()
+ * entityHorseLand()
+ * entityHorseSaddle()
+ * entityHorseStep()
+ * entityHorseStepWood()
+ * entityHostileBigFall()
+ * entityHostileDeath()
+ * entityHostileHurt()
+ * entityHostileSmallFall()
+ * entityHostileSplash()
+ * entityHostileSwim()
+ * entityHuskAmbient()
+ * entityHuskDeath()
+ * entityHuskHurt()
+ * entityHuskStep()
+ * entityIllusionIllagerAmbient()
+ * entityIllusionIllagerCastSpell()
+ * entityIllusionIllagerDeath()
+ * entityIllusionIllagerHurt()
+ * entityIllusionIllagerMirrorMove()
+ * entityIllusionIllagerPrepareBlindness()
+ * entityIllusionIllagerPrepareMirror()
+ * entityIrongolemAttack()
+ * entityIrongolemDeath()
+ * entityIrongolemHurt()
+ * entityIrongolemStep()
+ * entityItemBreak()
+ * entityItemPickup()
+ * entityItemframeAddItem()
+ * entityItemframeBreak()
+ * entityItemframePlace()
+ * entityItemframeRemoveItem()
+ * entityItemframeRotateItem()
+ * entityLeashknotBreak()
+ * entityLeashknotPlace()
+ * entityLightningImpact()
+ * entityLightningThunder()
+ * entityLingeringpotionThrow()
+ * entityLlamaAmbient()
+ * entityLlamaAngry()
+ * entityLlamaChest()
+ * entityLlamaDeath()
+ * entityLlamaEat()
+ * entityLlamaHurt()
+ * entityLlamaSpit()
+ * entityLlamaStep()
+ * entityLlamaSwag()
+ * entityMagmacubeDeath()
+ * entityMagmacubeHurt()
+ * entityMagmacubeJump()
+ * entityMagmacubeSquish()
+ * entityMinecartInside()
+ * entityMinecartRiding()
+ * entityMooshroomShear()
+ * entityMuleAmbient()
+ * entityMuleChest()
+ * entityMuleDeath()
+ * entityMuleHurt()
+ * entityPaintingBreak()
+ * entityPaintingPlace()
+ * entityParrotAmbient()
+ * entityParrotDeath()
+ * entityParrotEat()
+ * entityParrotFly()
+ * entityParrotHurt()
+ * entityParrotImitateBlaze()
+ * entityParrotImitateCreeper()
+ * entityParrotImitateElderGuardian()
+ * entityParrotImitateEnderdragon()
+ * entityParrotImitateEnderman()
+ * entityParrotImitateEndermite()
+ * entityParrotImitateEvocationIllager()
+ * entityParrotImitateGhast()
+ * entityParrotImitateHusk()
+ * entityParrotImitateIllusionIllager()
+ * entityParrotImitateMagmacube()
+ * entityParrotImitatePolarBear()
+ * entityParrotImitateShulker()
+ * entityParrotImitateSilverfish()
+ * entityParrotImitateSkeleton()
+ * entityParrotImitateSlime()
+ * entityParrotImitateSpider()
+ * entityParrotImitateStray()
+ * entityParrotImitateVex()
+ * entityParrotImitateVindicationIllager()
+ * entityParrotImitateWitch()
+ * entityParrotImitateWither()
+ * entityParrotImitateWitherSkeleton()
+ * entityParrotImitateWolf()
+ * entityParrotImitateZombie()
+ * entityParrotImitateZombiePigman()
+ * entityParrotImitateZombieVillager()
+ * entityParrotStep()
+ * entityPigAmbient()
+ * entityPigDeath()
+ * entityPigHurt()
+ * entityPigSaddle()
+ * entityPigStep()
+ * entityPlayerAttackCrit()
+ * entityPlayerAttackKnockback()
+ * entityPlayerAttackNodamage()
+ * entityPlayerAttackStrong()
+ * entityPlayerAttackSweep()
+ * entityPlayerAttackWeak()
+ * entityPlayerBigFall()
+ * entityPlayerBreath()
+ * entityPlayerBurp()
+ * entityPlayerDeath()
+ * entityPlayerHurt()
+ * entityPlayerHurtDrown()
+ * entityPlayerHurtOnFire()
+ * entityPlayerLevelup()
+ * entityPlayerSmallFall()
+ * entityPlayerSplash()
+ * entityPlayerSwim()
+ * entityPolarBearAmbient()
+ * entityPolarBearBabyAmbient()
+ * entityPolarBearDeath()
+ * entityPolarBearHurt()
+ * entityPolarBearStep()
+ * entityPolarBearWarning()
+ * entityRabbitAmbient()
+ * entityRabbitAttack()
+ * entityRabbitDeath()
+ * entityRabbitHurt()
+ * entityRabbitJump()
+ * entitySheepAmbient()
+ * entitySheepDeath()
+ * entitySheepHurt()
+ * entitySheepShear()
+ * entitySheepStep()
+ * entityShulkerAmbient()
+ * entityShulkerBulletHit()
+ * entityShulkerBulletHurt()
+ * entityShulkerClose()
+ * entityShulkerDeath()
+ * entityShulkerHurt()
+ * entityShulkerHurtClosed()
+ * entityShulkerOpen()
+ * entityShulkerShoot()
+ * entityShulkerTeleport()
+ * entitySilverfishAmbient()
+ * entitySilverfishDeath()
+ * entitySilverfishHurt()
+ * entitySilverfishStep()
+ * entitySkeletonAmbient()
+ * entitySkeletonDeath()
+ * entitySkeletonHorseAmbient()
+ * entitySkeletonHorseDeath()
+ * entitySkeletonHorseHurt()
+ * entitySkeletonHurt()
+ * entitySkeletonShoot()
+ * entitySkeletonStep()
+ * entitySlimeAttack()
+ * entitySlimeDeath()
+ * entitySlimeHurt()
+ * entitySlimeJump()
+ * entitySlimeSquish()
+ * entitySmallMagmacubeDeath()
+ * entitySmallMagmacubeHurt()
+ * entitySmallMagmacubeSquish()
+ * entitySmallSlimeDeath()
+ * entitySmallSlimeHurt()
+ * entitySmallSlimeJump()
+ * entitySmallSlimeSquish()
+ * entitySnowballThrow()
+ * entitySnowmanAmbient()
+ * entitySnowmanDeath()
+ * entitySnowmanHurt()
+ * entitySnowmanShoot()
+ * entitySpiderAmbient()
+ * entitySpiderDeath()
+ * entitySpiderHurt()
+ * entitySpiderStep()
+ * entitySplashPotionBreak()
+ * entitySplashPotionThrow()
+ * entitySquidAmbient()
+ * entitySquidDeath()
+ * entitySquidHurt()
+ * entityStrayAmbient()
+ * entityStrayDeath()
+ * entityStrayHurt()
+ * entityStrayStep()
+ * entityTntPrimed()
+ * entityVexAmbient()
+ * entityVexCharge()
+ * entityVexDeath()
+ * entityVexHurt()
+ * entityVillagerAmbient()
+ * entityVillagerDeath()
+ * entityVillagerHurt()
+ * entityVillagerNo()
+ * entityVillagerTrading()
+ * entityVillagerYes()
+ * entityVindicationIllagerAmbient()
+ * entityVindicationIllagerDeath()
+ * entityVindicationIllagerHurt()
+ * entityWitchAmbient()
+ * entityWitchDeath()
+ * entityWitchDrink()
+ * entityWitchHurt()
+ * entityWitchThrow()
+ * entityWitherAmbient()
+ * entityWitherBreakBlock()
+ * entityWitherDeath()
+ * entityWitherHurt()
+ * entityWitherShoot()
+ * entityWitherSkeletonAmbient()
+ * entityWitherSkeletonDeath()
+ * entityWitherSkeletonHurt()
+ * entityWitherSkeletonStep()
+ * entityWitherSpawn()
+ * entityWolfAmbient()
+ * entityWolfDeath()
+ * entityWolfGrowl()
+ * entityWolfHowl()
+ * entityWolfHurt()
+ * entityWolfPant()
+ * entityWolfShake()
+ * entityWolfStep()
+ * entityWolfWhine()
+ * entityZombieAmbient()
+ * entityZombieAttackDoorWood()
+ * entityZombieAttackIronDoor()
+ * entityZombieBreakDoorWood()
+ * entityZombieDeath()
+ * entityZombieHorseAmbient()
+ * entityZombieHorseDeath()
+ * entityZombieHorseHurt()
+ * entityZombieHurt()
+ * entityZombieInfect()
+ * entityZombiePigAmbient()
+ * entityZombiePigAngry()
+ * entityZombiePigDeath()
+ * entityZombiePigHurt()
+ * entityZombieStep()
+ * entityZombieVillagerAmbient()
+ * entityZombieVillagerConverted()
+ * entityZombieVillagerCure()
+ * entityZombieVillagerDeath()
+ * entityZombieVillagerHurt()
+ * entityZombieVillagerStep()
+ * itemArmorEquipChain()
+ * itemArmorEquipDiamond()
+ * itemArmorEquipElytra()
+ * itemArmorEquipGeneric()
+ * itemArmorEquipGold()
+ * itemArmorEquipIron()
+ * itemArmorEquipLeather()
+ * itemBottleEmpty()
+ * itemBottleFill()
+ * itemBottleFillDragonbreath()
+ * itemBucketEmpty()
+ * itemBucketEmptyLava()
+ * itemBucketFill()
+ * itemBucketFillLava()
+ * itemChorusFruitTeleport()
+ * itemElytraFlying()
+ * itemFirechargeUse()
+ * itemFlintandsteelUse()
+ * itemHoeTill()
+ * itemShieldBlock()
+ * itemShieldBreak()
+ * itemShovelFlatten()
+ * itemTotemUse()
+ * musicCreative()
+ * musicCredits()
+ * musicDragon()
+ * musicEnd()
+ * musicGame()
+ * musicMenu()
+ * musicNether()
+ * record11()
+ * record13()
+ * recordBlocks()
+ * recordCat()
+ * recordChirp()
+ * recordFar()
+ * recordMall()
+ * recordMellohi()
+ * recordStal()
+ * recordStrad()
+ * recordWait()
+ * recordWard()
+ * uiButtonClick()
+ * uiToastChallengeComplete()
+ * uiToastIn()
+ * uiToastOut()
+ * weatherRain()
+ * weatherRainAbove()
+## Sounds module (CanaryMod version)
+This module provides a simple way to play sounds.
+### Usage
+ var sounds = require("sounds");
+ // plays WOLF_HOWL sound at full volume and medium pitch
+ sounds.play( Packages.net.canarymod.api.world.effects.SoundEffect.Type.WOLF_HOWL, self, 1, 0);
+ // same as previous statement
+ sounds.play( Packages.net.canarymod.api.world.effects.SoundEffect.Type.WOLF_HOWL, self );
+The play() function takes as parameters:
+ * A Sound value (see https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/api/world/effects/SoundEffect.Type.html for a list of possible values)
+ * A Location orbject or any object which has a location
+ * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)
+ * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)
+In addition, the Sounds module provides a suite of helper functions - one for each possible sound.
+ var sounds = require("sounds");
+ // same as previous examples
+ sounds.wolfHowl( self );
+Each of the following functions takes as parameters:
+ * A Location orbject or any object which has a location
+ * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)
+ * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)
+The following functions are provided for convenience and to help beginners explore sounds using TAB completion:
+ * ambienceCave()
+ * ambienceRain()
+ * ambienceThunder()
+ * anvilBreak()
+ * anvilLand()
+ * anvilUse()
+ * batDeath()
+ * batHurt()
+ * batIdle()
+ * batLoop()
+ * batTakeoff()
+ * blazeBreath()
+ * blazeDeath()
+ * blazeHit()
+ * bow()
+ * bowHit()
+ * breath()
+ * burp()
+ * catHiss()
+ * catHit()
+ * catMeow()
+ * catPurr()
+ * catPurreow()
+ * chestClosed()
+ * chestOpen()
+ * chickenHurt()
+ * chickenPlop()
+ * chickenSay()
+ * chickenStep()
+ * click()
+ * cowHurt()
+ * cowSay()
+ * cowStep()
+ * creeperDeath()
+ * creeperSay()
+ * digCloth()
+ * digGrass()
+ * digGravel()
+ * digSand()
+ * digSnow()
+ * digStone()
+ * digWood()
+ * doorClose()
+ * doorOpen()
+ * drink()
+ * eat()
+ * enderdragonEnd()
+ * enderdragonGrowl()
+ * enderdragonHit()
+ * enderdragonWings()
+ * endermanDeath()
+ * endermanHit()
+ * endermanIdle()
+ * endermanPortal()
+ * endermanScream()
+ * endermanStare()
+ * explode()
+ * fallBig()
+ * fallSmall()
+ * fire()
+ * fireIgnite()
+ * fizz()
+ * fuse()
+ * ghastAffectionateScream()
+ * ghastCharge()
+ * ghastDeath()
+ * ghastFireball()
+ * ghastMoan()
+ * ghastScream()
+ * glass()
+ * hurt()
+ * hurtFlesh()
+ * irongolemDeath()
+ * irongolemHit()
+ * irongolemThrow()
+ * irongolemWalk()
+ * itemBreak()
+ * itemPickup()
+ * lava()
+ * lavaPop()
+ * levelUp()
+ * liquidSplash()
+ * magmacubeBig()
+ * magmacubeJump()
+ * magmacubeSmall()
+ * minecartBase()
+ * minecartInside()
+ * noteBass()
+ * noteBassAttack()
+ * noteBassDrum()
+ * noteHat()
+ * notePiano()
+ * notePling()
+ * noteSnare()
+ * orb()
+ * pigDeath()
+ * pigSay()
+ * pigStep()
+ * pistonIn()
+ * pistonOut()
+ * portal()
+ * portalTravel()
+ * portalTrigger()
+ * sheepSay()
+ * sheepShear()
+ * sheepStep()
+ * silverfishHit()
+ * silverfishKil()
+ * silverfishSay()
+ * silverfishStep()
+ * skeletonDeath()
+ * skeletonHurt()
+ * skeletonSay()
+ * skeletonStep()
+ * slimeAttack()
+ * slimeBig()
+ * slimeSmall()
+ * spiderDeath()
+ * spiderSay()
+ * spiderStep()
+ * splash()
+ * stepGrass()
+ * stepGravel()
+ * stepLadder()
+ * stepSand()
+ * stepSnow()
+ * stepStone()
+ * stepWood()
+ * stepWool()
+ * swim()
+ * water()
+ * witherDeath()
+ * witherHurt()
+ * witherIdle()
+ * witherShoot()
+ * witherSpawn()
+ * wolfBark()
+ * wolfDeath()
+ * wolfGrowl()
+ * wolfHowl()
+ * wolfHurt()
+ * wolfPant()
+ * wolfShake()
+ * wolfStep()
+ * wolfWhine()
+ * woodClick()
+ * zombieDeath()
+ * zombieHurt()
+ * zombieInfect()
+ * zombieMetal()
+ * zombiePigAngry()
+ * zombiePigDeath()
+ * zombiePigHurt()
+ * zombiePigIdle()
+ * zombieRemedy()
+ * zombieSay()
+ * zombieUnfect()
+ * zombieWood()
+ * zombieWoodbreak()
## Entities module
The Entities module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible entity type.
It acts as a helper or enumerated module to assist in use with the `spawn` module and command.
diff --git a/src/docs/js/generateApiDocs.js b/src/docs/js/generateApiDocs.js
index 467dbf712..325ebee6e 100644
--- a/src/docs/js/generateApiDocs.js
+++ b/src/docs/js/generateApiDocs.js
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ function foreach(array, func){
function find(dir,store,re) {
var files = dir.listFiles();
foreach (files, function(filename){
- filename = "" + filename;
+ filename = '' + filename;
var file = new File(filename);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
} else {
- if (typeof re == "undefined")
+ if (typeof re == 'undefined')
else if (filename.match(re))
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ var store = [];
find(new io.File(dir),store,/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.js$/);
- /lib\/scriptcraft\.js$/,
- /lib\/require\.js$/,
- /lib\/plugin\.js$/,
- /lib\/events\.js$/,
- /lib\/events\-helper\-canary/,
- /lib\/events\-helper\-bukkit/,
- /lib\//,
- /modules\/drone\/index\.js/,
- /modules\/drone\//,
- /plugins\/drone\//,
- /modules\//,
- /examples\//
+ /lib\/scriptcraft\.js$/,
+ /lib\/require\.js$/,
+ /lib\/plugin\.js$/,
+ /lib\/events\.js$/,
+ /lib\/events\-helper\-canary/,
+ /lib\/events\-helper\-bukkit/,
+ /lib\//,
+ /modules\/drone\/index\.js/,
+ /modules\/drone\//,
+ /plugins\/drone\//,
+ /modules\//,
+ /examples\//
var contents = [];
diff --git a/src/docs/js/generateEventsHelper.js b/src/docs/js/generateEventsHelper.js
index b367ed71a..a823e213d 100644
--- a/src/docs/js/generateEventsHelper.js
+++ b/src/docs/js/generateEventsHelper.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/*global args*/
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args,1);
// [0] = type, [1] = lib.jar [2] = blockX, [3] = classX
var File = java.io.File,
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ names.forEach(function(name) {
' * priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.',
+ //http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerJoinEvent.html
for (var i = 0; i < comment.length; i++){
diff --git a/src/docs/js/generateItemsDoc.js b/src/docs/js/generateItemsDoc.js
index fe5715fe6..6ac5fe130 100644
--- a/src/docs/js/generateItemsDoc.js
+++ b/src/docs/js/generateItemsDoc.js
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args,1);
-// [0] = type, [1] = lib.jar [2] = blockX, [3] = classX
-var out = java.lang.System.out,
- err = java.lang.System.err,
- entry = null;
+'use strict';
+/*global cmItemTypeClass*/
+var out = java.lang.System.out;
var content = [
'## Items module (SpigotMC version)',
@@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ for ( i = 0;i < materials.length; i++ ){
content = content.concat(enumVals);
-for (var i = 0; i< content.length; i++){
+for ( i = 0; i< content.length; i++){
diff --git a/src/docs/js/generateSoundsDoc.js b/src/docs/js/generateSoundsDoc.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1d0599b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/docs/js/generateSoundsDoc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+var out = java.lang.System.out;
+var content = [
+ '',
+ '## Sounds module (SpigotMC version)',
+ '',
+ 'This module provides a simple way to play sounds.',
+ '',
+ '### Usage',
+ '',
+ ' var sounds = require("sounds");',
+ ' // plays ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL sound at full volume and medium pitch',
+ ' sounds.play( org.bukkit.Sound.ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL, self, 1, 0); ',
+ ' // same as previous statement',
+ ' sounds.play( org.bukkit.Sound.ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL , self );',
+ '',
+ 'The play() function takes as parameters:',
+ '',
+ ' * A Sound value (see https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html for a list of possible values)',
+ ' * A Location orbject or any object which has a location',
+ ' * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)',
+ ' * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)',
+ '',
+ 'In addition, the Sounds module provides a suite of helper functions - one for each possible sound. ',
+ '',
+ ' var sounds = require("sounds");',
+ ' // same as previous examples',
+ ' sounds.entityWolfHowl( self );',
+ '',
+ 'Each of the following functions takes as parameters:',
+ '',
+ ' * A Location orbject or any object which has a location',
+ ' * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)',
+ ' * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)',
+ '',
+ 'The following functions are provided for convenience and to help beginners explore sounds using TAB completion:',
+ ''
+var enumVals = [], i;
+var sound, soundName, sounds = org.bukkit.Sound.values();
+for (i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++ ){
+ sound = sounds[i];
+ soundName = '' + sound.name();
+ var methodName = soundName.toLowerCase().replace(/_(.)/g,function(a,b){
+ return b.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ enumVals.push(' * ' + methodName + '()');
+content = content.concat(enumVals);
+for (i = 0; i< content.length; i++){
+ out.println(content[i]);
+content = [
+ '',
+ '## Sounds module (CanaryMod version)',
+ '',
+ 'This module provides a simple way to play sounds.',
+ '',
+ '### Usage',
+ '',
+ ' var sounds = require("sounds");',
+ ' // plays WOLF_HOWL sound at full volume and medium pitch',
+ ' sounds.play( Packages.net.canarymod.api.world.effects.SoundEffect.Type.WOLF_HOWL, self, 1, 0); ',
+ ' // same as previous statement',
+ ' sounds.play( Packages.net.canarymod.api.world.effects.SoundEffect.Type.WOLF_HOWL, self );',
+ '',
+ 'The play() function takes as parameters:',
+ '',
+ ' * A Sound value (see https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/api/world/effects/SoundEffect.Type.html for a list of possible values)',
+ ' * A Location orbject or any object which has a location',
+ ' * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)',
+ ' * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)',
+ '',
+ 'In addition, the Sounds module provides a suite of helper functions - one for each possible sound. ',
+ '',
+ ' var sounds = require("sounds");',
+ ' // same as previous examples',
+ ' sounds.wolfHowl( self );',
+ '',
+ 'Each of the following functions takes as parameters:',
+ '',
+ ' * A Location orbject or any object which has a location',
+ ' * The Volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 (default: 1)',
+ ' * The Pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4 (default: 0)',
+ '',
+ 'The following functions are provided for convenience and to help beginners explore sounds using TAB completion:',
+ ''
+enumVals = [];
+sounds = Packages.net.canarymod.api.world.effects.SoundEffect.Type.values();
+for (i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++ ){
+ sound = sounds[i];
+ soundName = '' + sound.name();
+ methodName = soundName.toLowerCase().replace(/_(.)/g,function(a,b){
+ return b.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ enumVals.push(' * ' + methodName + '()');
+content = content.concat(enumVals);
+for (i = 0; i< content.length; i++){
+ out.println(content[i]);
diff --git a/src/docs/js/generateTOC.js b/src/docs/js/generateTOC.js
index 22e35df68..b80bff092 100644
--- a/src/docs/js/generateTOC.js
+++ b/src/docs/js/generateTOC.js
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args,1);
// wph 20140105 trim not availabe in String on Mac OS.
if (typeof String.prototype.trim == 'undefined'){
- String.prototype.trim = function(){
- return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
- };
+ String.prototype.trim = function(){
+ return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
+ };
var template = args[0];
@@ -16,35 +16,35 @@ var contents = [], line = undefined;
var br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(template) );
while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null){
- contents.push(line);
+ contents.push(line);
var anchors = {};
var createLink = function(text){
- var result = text.replace(/_/g,'_');
- result = result.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _\-]/g,'');
- result = result.replace(/ /g,'-');
- var result = result.toLowerCase();
- if (anchors[result]){
- result = result + '-' + (anchors[result]++);
- }
- anchors[result] = 1;
- return result;
+ var result = text.replace(/_/g,'_');
+ result = result.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _\-]/g,'');
+ result = result.replace(/ /g,'-');
+ var result = result.toLowerCase();
+ if (anchors[result]){
+ result = result + '-' + (anchors[result]++);
+ }
+ anchors[result] = 1;
+ return result;
java.lang.System.out.println('## Table of Contents');
for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; i++){
- line = contents[i];
- if (line.match(/^##\s+/)){
- var h2 = line.match(/^##\s+(.*)/)[1].trim();
- var link = createLink(h2);
- java.lang.System.out.println(' * [' + h2 + '](#' + link + ')');
- }
- if (line.match(/^###\s+/)){
- var h3 = line.match(/^###\s+(.*)/)[1].trim();
- var link = createLink(h3);
- java.lang.System.out.println(' * [' + h3 + '](#' + link + ')');
- }
+ line = contents[i];
+ if (line.match(/^##\s+/)){
+ var h2 = line.match(/^##\s+(.*)/)[1].trim();
+ var link = createLink(h2);
+ java.lang.System.out.println(' * [' + h2 + '](#' + link + ')');
+ }
+ if (line.match(/^###\s+/)){
+ var h3 = line.match(/^###\s+(.*)/)[1].trim();
+ var link = createLink(h3);
+ java.lang.System.out.println(' * [' + h3 + '](#' + link + ')');
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/js/modules/bukkit/sounds.js b/src/main/js/modules/bukkit/sounds.js
index 88e8a01c3..6c755fb86 100644
--- a/src/main/js/modules/bukkit/sounds.js
+++ b/src/main/js/modules/bukkit/sounds.js
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ function play(sound, locationOrHasLocation, volume, pitch) {
for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
sound = allSounds[i];
soundName = '' + sound.name();
- var methodName = soundName.toLowerCase().replace(/_(.)/g,function(a,b){ return b.toUpperCase();});
+ var methodName = soundName.toLowerCase().replace(/_(.)/g,function(a,b){
+ return b.toUpperCase();
+ });
exports[methodName] = (function(sound){
return function()
diff --git a/src/main/js/modules/sounds.js b/src/main/js/modules/sounds.js
index 4065cc39e..2a8c480ba 100644
--- a/src/main/js/modules/sounds.js
+++ b/src/main/js/modules/sounds.js
@@ -1,30 +1,3 @@
-## Sounds Module
-This module is a simple wrapper around the Bukkit Sound class and provides
-a simpler way to play sounds. All of the org.bukkit.Sound Enum values are attached.
-### Usage (Bukkit) :
- var sounds = require('sounds');
- sounds.play( bukkit.sound.VILLAGER_NO , self, 1, 0); // plays VILLAGER_NO sound at full volume and medium pitch
- sounds.play( bukkit.sound.VILLAGER_NO , self ); // same as previous statement
-The play() function takes either a Location object or any object which has a location.
-The volume parameter is in the range 0 to 1 and the pitch parameter is in the range 0 to 4.
-In addition, a play function is provided for each possible sound using the following rules:
-1. The sound is converted from ALL_CAPS_UNDERSCORE to camelCase so for example there is a sounds.villagerNo() function which will play the VILLAGER_NO sound.
-2. Each such function can take 3 parameters: location (which can be either an actual Location object or an object which has a location), volume and pitch
-3. Or... each such function can be called without parameters meaning the sound will be played for all online players to hear.
- sounds.villagerNo(self, 1, 0); // plays VILLAGER_NO sound at full volume and medium pitch at invoker's location
- sounds.villagerNo(); // plays VILLAGER_NO sound for all players online.
-These methods are provided for convenience to help beginners explore sounds using TAB completion.
if (__plugin.canary) {
module.exports = require('./canary/sounds');
} else {