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This contains the official API bindings for uploading, deleting and obtaining files with Contains a full up to date API for interacting with the service


npm install waifuvault-node-api


This API contains 4 interactions:

  1. Upload File
  2. Get File Info
  3. Delete File
  4. Get File
  5. Modify Entry
  6. Create Bucket
  7. Get Bucket
  8. Delete Bucket
  9. Create Album
  10. Delete Album
  11. Get Album
  12. Associate Files
  13. Disassociate Files
  14. Share Album
  15. Revoke Album
  16. Download Album

The package is namespaced to Waifuvault, so to import it, simply:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

Each function takes a optional signal from an abort controller as the last argument, you may use this to abort the requests

Upload File

To Upload a file, use the uploadFile function. This function takes the following options as an object:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
file string or Buffer The file to upload. can be a string to the file on disk or a Buffer true only if url is not supplied If url is supplied, this prop can't be set
url string The URL to a file that exists on the internet true only if file is not supplied If file is supplied, this prop can't be set
expires string A string containing a number and a unit (1d = 1day) false Valid units are m, h and d
hideFilename boolean If true, then the uploaded filename won't appear in the URL false Defaults to false
password string If set, then the uploaded file will be encrypted false
filename string Only used if file is set and is a Buffer, will set the filename of the buffer false
oneTimeDownload boolean if supplied, the file will be deleted as soon as it is accessed false
bucketToken string if supplied, the file will be associated with the bucket false

Using a URL:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.uploadFile({
    url: ""
console.log(resp.url); // the file download URL

Using a Buffer:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.uploadFile({
    file: Buffer.from("someData"),
    filename: "aCoolFile.jpg"
console.log(resp.url); // the file download URL

Using a file path:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.uploadFile({
    file: "./files/aCoolFile.jpg"
console.log(resp.url); // the file download URL

Get File Info

If you have a token from your upload. Then you can get file info. This results in the following info:

  • token
  • url
  • protected
  • retentionPeriod

Use the fileInfo function. This function takes the following options as parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
token string The token of the upload true
formatted boolean If you want the retentionPeriod to be human-readable or an epoch false defaults to false
import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const info = await Waifuvault.fileInfo("someToken");
console.log(a.retentionPeriod); // 28407118974
console.log(a.url); // the file download URL

Human-readable timestamp:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const info = await Waifuvault.fileInfo("someToken", true);
console.log(a.retentionPeriod); // 328 days 18 hours 51 minutes 31 seconds

Delete File

To delete a file, you must supply your token to the deleteFile function.

This function takes the following options as parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
token string The token of the file you wish to delete true

NOTE: deleteFile will only ever either return true or throw an exception if the token is invalid

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const succsess = await Waifuvault.deleteFile("someToken");

Get File

This lib also supports obtaining a file from the API as a Buffer by supplying either the token or the unique identifier of the file (epoch/filename).

Use the getFile function. This function takes the following options an object:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
token string The token of the file you want to download true only if filename is not set if filename is set, then this can not be used
filename string The Unique identifier of the file, this is the epoch time stamp it was uploaded and the filename true only if token is not set if token is set, then this can not be used
password string The password for the file if it is protected false Must be supplied if the file is uploaded with password

Important! The Unique identifier filename is the epoch/filename only if the file uploaded did not have a hidden filename, if it did, then it's just the epoch. For example: 1710111505084/08.png is the Unique identifier for a standard upload of a file called 08.png, if this was uploaded with hidden filename, then it would be 1710111505084.png

Obtain an encrypted file

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

// upload the file
const resp = await Waifuvault.uploadFile({
    url: "",
    password: "epic"

// download the file
const file = await Waifuvault.getFile({
    password: "epic",
    token: resp.token

console.log(file); // a Buffer

Obtain a file from Unique identifier

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

// download the file
const file = await Waifuvault.getFile({
    filename: "/1710111505084/08.png"

console.log(file); // a Buffer

Modify Entry

If you want to modify aspects of your entry such as password, removing password, decrypting the file, encrypting the file, changing the expiry, etc. you can use modifyEntry function

Use the modifyEntry function. This function takes the following options an object and one as a parameter:

parameter Type Description Required
token string The token of the file you want to modify true


Option Type Description Required Extra info
password string The new password or the password you want to use to encrypt the file false
previousPassword string If the file is currently protected or encrpyted and you want to change it, use this for the old password true only if password is set and the file is currently protected if the file is protected already and you want to change the password, this MUST be set
customExpiry string a new custom expiry, see expires in uploadFile false
hideFilename boolean make the filename hidden false for the new URL, check the response URL prop

Set a password on a non-encrypted file:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const foo = await Waifuvault.modifyEntry("token", {
    password: "apple",
foo.protected; // true

Change a password:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const foo = await Waifuvault.modifyEntry("token", {
    password: "newPass",
    previousPassword: "apple",

foo.protected; // true

change expire:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

await Waifuvault.modifyEntry("token", {
    customExpiry: "1d"

decrypt a file and remove the password:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const foo = await Waifuvault.modifyEntry("token", {
    password: "",
    previousPassword: "apple",

foo.protected; // false

Create bucket

Buckets are virtual collections that are linked to your IP and a token. When you create a bucket, you will receive a bucket token that you can use in Get Bucket to get all the files in that bucket

To create a bucket, use the createBucket function. This function does not take any arguments.

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.createBucket();
console.log(resp.token); // the token to the new bucket

Get Bucket

To get a bucket, you must use the getBucket function and supply the token. This function takes the following options as parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
token string The token of the bucket true

This will respond with the bucket and all the files the bucket contains.

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const bucket = await Waifuvault.getBucket("someToken");
console.log(bucket.token); //the token to the new bucket
console.log(bucket.files); // an array of files in this bucket

Delete Bucket

Deleting a bucket will delete the bucket and all the files it contains.

To delete a bucket, you must call the deleteBucket function with the following options as parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
token string The token of the bucket to delete true

NOTE: deleteBucket will only ever either return true or throw an exception if the token is invalid

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const respo = await Waifuvault.deleteBucket("someToken");
console.log(respo); // true

Create Album

Albums are shareable collections of files that exist within a bucket.

To create an album, you use the createAlbum function and supply a bucket token and name.

The function takes the following options as an object:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
bucketToken string The token of the bucket true
name string The name of the album to be created true

This will respond with an album object containing the name and token of the album.

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const album = await Waifuvault.createAlbum({
    name: "myNewAlbum",
    bucketToken: "someBucketToken"

console.log(album.token); // album token
console.log(; // album name
console.log(album.files); // all files associated with the album

Delete Album

To delete an album, you use the deleteAlbum function and supply the album token and a boolean indication of whether the files contained in the album should be deleted or not. If you choose false, the files will remain in the bucket.

The function takes the following parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
albumToken string The private token of the album true
deleteFiles boolean Whether the files should be deleted false defaults to false

NOTE: If deleteFiles is set to True, the files will be permanently deleted

this will return an object where the status is true if it was a success, or it will throw an error if it wasn't

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.deleteAlbum("albumToken");

console.log(resp.success); // true

delete files:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.deleteAlbum("albumToken", true);

console.log(resp.success); // true

Get Album

To get the contents of an album, you use the getAlbum function and supply the album token. The token must be the private token.

The function takes the following parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
token string The private token of the album true

This will respond with the album object containing the album information and files contained within the album.

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.getAlbum("SomeToken");


Associate File

To add files to an album, you use the associateFiles function and supply the private album token and a list of file tokens.

The function takes the following parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
albumToken string The private token of the album true
filesToAssociate string[] List of file tokens to add to album true

This will respond with the new album object containing the added files.

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.associateFiles("someToken", ["someFileToken"]);

console.log(resp.files); // will include the new file

Disassociate File

To remove files from an album, you use the disassociateFiles function and supply the private album token and a list of file tokens.

The function takes the following parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
albumToken string The private token of the album true
filesToAssociate string[] List of file tokens to remove from the album true

This will respond with the new album object with the files removed.

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.disassociateFiles("someToken", ["someFileToken"]);

console.log(resp.files); // will not include the file

Share Album

To share an album, so it contents can be accessed from a public URL, you use the shareAlbum function and supply the private token.

The function takes the following parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
albumToken string The private token of the album true

This will respond with the public URL with which the album can be found.

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const url = await Waifuvault.shareAlbum("privateAlbumToken");

console.log(url); // the url

NOTE: The public album token can be found in the Get Album results

Revoke Album

To revoke the sharing of an album, so it will no longer be accessible publicly, you use the revokeAlbum function and supply the private token.

The function takes the following parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
albumToken string The private token of the album true

this will return an object where the status is true if it was a success, or it will throw an error if it wasn't

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const resp = await Waifuvault.revokeAlbum("somePrivateToken");

console.log(resp.success); // true

NOTE: Once revoked, the URL for sharing is destroyed. If the album is later shared again, the URL issued will be different.

Download Album

To download the contents of an album as a zip file, you use the downloadAlbum function and supply a private or public token for the album.

You can also supply the file ids as an array to selectively download files. these ids can be found as part of the WaifuFile response.

The zip file will be returned as a buffer.

The function takes the following parameters:

Option Type Description Required Extra info
albumToken string The private or public token of the album true
files number[] The ids of the files to download false the ids can be found as part of the WaifuFile response

download all files:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";


selective files:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

Waifuvault.downloadAlbum("someAlbumToken", [1]);

get a file id from token:

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

const fileToken = "someToken";

// get file info
const fileInfo = await Waifuvault.fileInfo(fileToken);

// download the one file as zip

Waifuvault.downloadAlbum(fileInfo.album.token, []);