If you would like to contribute, just send a Pull Request. Please:
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one to prevent duplicates.
- Put the tool in the alphabetical order. All tools are great, so we want to treat them equally.
- Try to make your Pull Request descriptive.
- New categories are welcomed.
- End all descriptions with a full stop/period and remove trailing whitespace.
- Check your (and our ) spelling and grammar.
Please, use the following format for the links in Pull Requests:
[Tool](link) — description
.- Add the appropriate label:
We will do our best to review your submission as soon as we can. Please, consider that we have a full-time job in our startup :) Your contribution might be rejected if the tool didn't pass our curation. Of course, this is very subjective and if you think we are being unfair, do let us know.