cmdline.nvim is a wildmenu replacement which brings Helix's command-line to Neovim
- Neovim 0.8.2 or later
Install vzze/cmdline.nvim
with the plugin manager of your choice.
window = {
matchFuzzy = true,
offset = 1, -- depending on 'cmdheight' you might need to offset
debounceMs = 10
hl = {
default = "Pmenu",
selection = "PmenuSel",
directory = "Directory",
substr = "LineNr"
column = {
maxNumber = 6,
minWidth = 20
binds = {
next = "<Tab>",
back = "<S-Tab>"
smolck/command-completion.nvim for doing most of the dirty work
Helix for having a cool command-line