A RESTful service built with Spring Boot & ecosystem
. It uses an in-memory H2 Database for local setup, whereas a Postgres instance on Heroku Cloud. The initial app installation and Postgres add-on setup is managed by Terraform Configurations. Build and Deployment to Heroku is managed by Github Actions.
This started as part of a capstone project in one of the trainings. Now I am trying to expand this as a learning project daily changing landscape of technologies. Few ideas I want to explore are
- How to use terraform to maintain resources in a cloud service
- How to implement CI/CD with Github Actions
- How to implement Functional Test cases as part of CI/CD
- and you can help more ideas we can implement by raising a new idea issue (at some time in future hopefully I will have a template inserted here)
Features are nice and cool, but one of the main objectives/vision for this repository is to provide a uniform experience to all developers. Each developer should be able to setup a similar service in with certain steps.
Let's learn together 😃
work in progrss
- A
Java 11
runtime for running application locally without docker. - Docker Desktop - Docker download link : https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Terraform CLI - https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli
- Heroku CLI - https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
- Heroku Account - https://www.heroku.com/free (Only if you are interested on deploying there)
- Any IDE of your choice (I am starting to like (vscode)[https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/setup-overview])
- and Ofcourse Github account
Some highlights of project