Webpack - ver documentação
Javascript module bundler.
- webpack 3: Official Release!!
- Webpack 3 + React — Production build tips
- Setting up application with Webpack 3.0 + ES6 + React
- Webpack sem Medo
Stylus - ver documentação
Preprocessor CSS.
- Try Stylus
- Escrevendo CSS com Stylus
- Analisando o código Stylus de um projeto
- Be a CSS Superhero with Stylus
- Giving Stylus a second chance
PostCSS - ver documentação
A tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript.
- webpack + PostCSS + cssnext
- Começando desenvolver com o PostCSS
- O que é o PostCSS?
- A Quick Introduction to PostCSS — What You Need to Get Started
- CSS Grid Layout and PostCSS: Now Kiss !
React - ver documentação
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
- Catalog of React components / libraries
- An unofficial catalog of React components for both Web and Native
- Awesome React Boilerplates
- Começando com ReactJS
- Novidades do React 16
React Router - ver documentação
- A Simple React Router v4 Tutorial
- Getting started with create-react-app, Redux, React Router & Redux Thunk
- React Router v4 Unofficial Migration Guide
- Roteamento no React com os poderes do React Router v4
- Beginner’s Guide to React Router 4
Redux - ver documentação
- Simplifying Redux: An Overview
- Introdução ao Redux
- Afinal, o que é o Redux?
- Iniciando com Redux em 9 passos
- Introduction to Redux for web application development
Babel - ver documentação
Javascript Compiler.
- ReactJS Intro: Using Babel on the fly during production vs compiling during development
- Utilizando ES6 no Node.js com Babel.js
- Configurando Babel 6 para Node.js
- Use Babel ES5 to ES6 ThEN packing with Webpack
- Babel 7: configuração, uso de preset e de plugins
Husky - ver documentação
Git hooks made easy.
- Git hooks with Husky
- Using Prettier and husky to make your commits safe.
- Using Husky, Git-hooks and Linting to protect everyone from everyone else and yourself
- Prevent Bad Commits with husky
- Pre-commit git hooks with Husky
Enzyme - ver documentação
JavaScript Testing utility for React.
- An introduction to testing React components with Enzyme 3
- Better Testing with Enzyme
- Testing is Tops: Writing Tests for React Apps with Enzyme
Mocha - ver documentação
JavaScript test framework.
- Automating MochaJS Tests for a Node.js App
- Using Mocha JS, Chai JS and Sinon JS to Test your Frontend JavaScript Code
Chai - ver documentação
BDD / TDD assertion library.
Sinon - ver documentação
Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
Nyc - ver documentação
Istanbul command line interface.
JSDOM - ver documentação
A JavaScript implementation of the WHATWG DOM and HTML standards.