Python code and scripts to optimize lambda values in FEP calculations
- Simulation files for the A16F alchemical transformation of the A8 miniprotin. Also contains results of unoptimized and optimized EE simulations that were analyzed in the manuscript.biceps_xi_optimization
- working examples of how to use the pylambdaopt scriptsfigures
- an incomplete collection of figures generated for the manuscriptscripts
- code and command-line tools to optimize alchemical intermediatestoy_model
- code and scripts to performing EE sampling and analysis of the toy 1D harmonic potential system discussed in the manuscript.
title={A simple method for optimizing the spacing and number of alchemical intermediates in expanded ensemble free energy calculations},
author={Novack, Dylan and Raddi, Robert M and Zhang, Si and Hurley, Matthew F.D. and Voelz, Vincent A},
journal={in preparation},