All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- GitHub reusable workflow uptaded to v2
- English and Portuguese translations.
- Quality engineering actions
- Crowdin.yml file for crowdin integration
- Update 0.x version references to 1.x
- Update major number for app settings query.
- Update API dependency.
- Update
mutation to useUpload
variables, allowing files to be sent as multipart form data.
- AccountCreatePage will check shopper's account status and forbid account signup if status is "approved", "rejected", or "under-review".
- Validation error for phone number only appears after user leaves field
- Default installments for PDP promo message calculation is now 24 instead of 12
- PDP promo message wording changed
- Additional CSS Handles
- Completely hide PromoMessage component if shopper's account status is "rejected"
- Address field validation behavior
- Message adjustments per Gympass
- Partial personal address is stored in state, in case user goes back to Business Info page and then returns to Personal Info page.
- PDP promo message: Show link if account status is "pending"
- Account signup form: Personal phone number error message now appears if phone number is too long.
- Account signup form: Phone numbers loaded from user profile will have
country code automatically removed. - Account signup form:
Nome Fantasia
(company trade name) will be loaded from user profile if present.
validation is now done per field rather than all fields at once- Account signup form modal does not close if user clicks outside of it
- Various layout and message adjustments requested by Gympass
- Documentation
- Styling for document upload page of account signup form
- Initial release