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283 lines (248 loc) · 9.33 KB

XD Pascal Compiler


XD Pascal is a small educational compiler for a subset of the Pascal language. A native x86 machine code generator directly emits COM executables for MS-DOS. The compiler supports VGA graphics, floating-point arithmetic, etc. 32-bit Pascal source is provided.


  • Fast recursive descent parsing
  • Native x86 code generation (COM executables)
  • No external assembler or linker
  • Source file inclusion facility
  • Single-precision floating-point arithmetic (using the x87 FPU)
  • VGA graphics support
  • Compiler source for both Windows (Delphi) and DOS (TMT Pascal)

Detailed description


The software is in the public domain. It comes with absolutely no warranty. Any comments, suggestions, or bug reports are VERY MUCH appreciated. Feel free to contact me via e-mail. Enjoy.


Type in the command prompt:

xdp <file.pas> [/n]

Option: /n - disable code optimization. The source file should be specified with its extension (.pas).



XD Pascal is a dialect of Pascal programming language that resembles Turbo Pascal v. 3.0 with the following differences and limitations:

  • There are no labels, "goto" and "with" statements.
  • Unsigned integers, sets, enumerations, and variant records are not supported.
  • Strings are null-terminated arrays of characters (C style). String manipulation routines should be used instead of direct concatenation or comparison.
  • The only file type is Text. It can be used for both text and untyped files.
  • Structured parameters cannot be passed to subroutines by value.
  • The predefined Result variable can be used instead of function name in assignments (Delphi style).
  • Single-line comments ("//") are supported (Delphi style).

Formal grammar

Program = "program" Ident ";" Block "." .

Block = { [ "const" Ident "=" ConstExpression ";"
                   {Ident "=" ConstExpression ";"} ]
          [ "type" Ident "=" Type ";" {Ident "=" Type ";"} ]
          [ "var" IdentList ":" Type ";" {IdentList ":" Type ";"} ]
          [ "procedure" Ident [FormalParam] ";" 
                        (Block | "forward") ";" ]
          [ "function"  Ident [FormalParam] [":" TypeIdent] ";" 
                        (Block | "forward") ";" ] }
             CompoundStatement .

ActualParam = "(" (Expression | Designator) |
             {"," (Expression | Designator)} ")" .

FormalParam = "(" ["const" | "var"] IdentList ":" TypeIdent 
             {";" ["const" | "var"] IdentList ":" TypeIdent} ")" .

IdentList = Ident {"," Ident} .

Type = "^" TypeIdent |
       "array" "[" Type {"," Type} "]" "of" Type |
       "record" IdentList ":" Type {";" IdentList ":" Type} [";"] "end" |
       ConstExpression ".." ConstExpression |
       TypeIdent .

Designator = Ident {"^" | ("[" Expression {"," Expression} "]") | ("." Ident)} .

Statement = [ (Designator | Ident) ":=" Expression | 
              Ident [ActualParam] |
              CompoundStatement |
              "if" Expression "then" Statement ["else" Statement] |
              "case" Expression "of" CaseElement {";" CaseElement} 
                    ["else" StatementList] [";"] "end" |
              "while" Expression "do" Statement |
              "repeat" StatementList "until" Expression | 
              "for" Ident ":=" Expression ("to" | "downto") Expression "do"
                    Statement ].

StatementList = Statement {";" Statement} .

CompoundStatement = "begin" StatementList "end" .
CaseElement = CaseLabel {"," CaseLabel} ":" Statement .

CaseLabel = ConstExpression [".." ConstExpression] .

ConstExpression = Expression .

Expression = SimpleExpression [("="|"<>"|"<"|"<="|">"|">=") SimpleExpression] .

SimpleExpression = ["+"|"-"] Term {("+"|"-"|"or"|"xor") Term}.

Term = Factor {("*"|"/"|"div"|"mod"|"shl"|"shr"|"and") Factor}.

Factor = Ident [ActualParam] |
         Designator |
         "@" Designator | 
         Number | 
         CharLiteral |
         StringLiteral |  
         "(" Expression ")" | 
         "not" Factor |
         "nil" |
         TypeIdent "(" Expression ")" .

TypeIdent = Ident .

Ident = (Letter | "_") {Letter | "_" | Digit}.

Number = "$" HexDigit {HexDigit} | 
         Digit {Digit} ["." {Digit}] ["e" ["+" | "-"] Digit {Digit}] .

CharLiteral = "'" (Character | "'" "'") "'" | 
              "#" Number .

StringLiteral = "'" {Character | "'" "'"} "'".

Predefined identifiers

The following identifiers are implemented as a part of the compiler. Their names are not reserved words and can be locally redefined by the user.





Procedures (inlined):

procedure Inc(var x: Integer)
procedure Dec(var x: Integer)
procedure Read([F: Text;] var x1 {; var xi})
procedure Write([F: Text;] x1 {; xi})
procedure ReadLn([F: Text;] var x1 {; var xi})
procedure WriteLn([F: Text;] x1 {; xi})
procedure InP(port: Integer; var x: Char)
procedure OutP(port: Integer; x: Char)
procedure New(var P: Pointer)
procedure Dispose(var P: Pointer)
procedure Halt[(const error: Integer)]
procedure Intr(const number: Integer; regs: ^TRegisters)

Functions (inlined):

function SizeOf(var x | T): Integer
function Ord(x: T): Integer
function Chr(x: Integer): Char
function Pred(x: T): T
function Succ(x: T): T
function Round(x: Real): Integer 
function Abs(x: T): T
function Sqr(x: T): T
function Sin(x: Real): Real  
function Cos(x: Real): Real  
function Arctan(x: Real): Real  
function Exp(x: Real): Real
function Ln(x: Real): Real
function SqRt(x: Real): Real


The compiler builds a DOS .com executable file according to the small memory model. The program has the segments of code (pointed by CS), data (pointed by DS) and stack (pointed by SS):

Memory map

A program may have up to 64 Kb of code and up to 64 Kb of data. It contains machine instructions with 16-bit and 32-bit operands and can be run on a 80386+ machine in the real mode under DOS/NTVDM/DOSBox. By default, the compiler does some code optimization by eliminating procedures and functions which are never called. To detect them, two compilation passes are performed instead of one and a call graph is built.

System library

Items marked with * should not be used directly.




TStream *
PStream * 


RandSeed: Integer
IOError: Integer *
LastReadChar: Char *

Procedures and functions:

function Timer: Integer
function KeyPressed: Boolean
procedure Randomize
function Random: Real
function Min(x, y: Real): Real
function IMin(x, y: Integer): Integer
function Max(x, y: Real): Real
function IMax(x, y: Integer): Integer
procedure ReadConsole(var Ch: Char)
procedure WriteConsole(Ch: Char)
procedure Rewrite(var F: Text; const Name: string)
procedure Reset(var F: Text; const Name: string)
procedure Close(F: Text)
procedure BlockRead(F: Text; Buf: PChar; Len: SmallInt; var LenRead: SmallInt)
procedure BlockWrite(F: Text; Buf: PChar; Len: SmallInt)
procedure DeleteFile(const Name: string)
function SeekFile(F: Text; Pos: Integer; Mode: ShortInt): Integer *
procedure Seek(F: Text; Pos: Integer)
function FilePos(F: Text): Integer
function EOF(F: Text): Boolean
function IOResult: Integer
procedure WriteCh(F: Text; P: PStream; ch: Char) *
procedure WriteInt(F: Text; P: PStream; Number: Integer) *
procedure WriteHex(F: Text; P: PStream; Number: Integer; Digits: ShortInt); *
procedure WritePointer(F: Text; P: PStream; Number: Integer) *
procedure WriteReal(F: Text; P: PStream; Number: Real) *
procedure WriteString(F: Text; P: PStream; const s: string) *
procedure WriteBoolean(F: Text; P: PStream; Flag: Boolean) *
procedure WriteNewLine(F: Text; P: PStream) *
procedure ReadCh(F: Text; P: PStream; var ch: Char) *
procedure ReadInt(F: Text; P: PStream; var Number: Integer) *
procedure ReadReal(F: Text; P: PStream; var Number: Real) *
procedure ReadString(F: Text; P: PStream; const s: string) *
procedure ReadNewLine(F: Text; P: PStream) *
function StrLen(const s: string): SmallInt
procedure StrCopy(var Dest: string; const Source: string)
procedure StrCat(var Dest: string; const Source: string)
function StrComp(const s1, s2: string): Integer
procedure Val(const s: string; var Number: Real; var Code: Integer)
procedure Str(Number: Real; var s: string)
procedure IVal(const s: string; var Number: Integer; var Code: Integer)
procedure IStr(Number: Integer; var s: string)
procedure SetScreenMode(mode: Integer)
procedure PutPixel(x, y, clr: Integer)
procedure Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, clr: Integer)
procedure Circle(x, y, r, clr: Integer)
procedure OutCharXY(x, y, clr: Integer; ch: Char) *
procedure OutTextXY(x, y, clr: Integer; const s: string)


  • FACTOR.PAS - Integer factorization demo.
  • LINEQ.PAS - Linear algebraic equation systems solver. Uses GAUSS.PAS unit. Requires EQ.DAT, EQERR.DAT, or similar data file.
  • LIFE.PAS - The Game of life.
  • CANNABIS.PAS - Cannabola plot in polar coordinates.
  • FRACTAL.PAS - Mandelbrot set fragment plot.
  • SORT.PAS - Array sorting demo.
  • FFT.PAS - Fast Fourier Transform.
  • CLOCK.PAS - Clock demo.
  • INSERR.PAS - Inertial navigation system error estimator. Uses KALMAN.PAS unit.
  • PALETTE.PAS - Graphics palette usage demo.
  • LIST.PAS - Linked list operations demo.