- Anything with nothing at the end is a feature for GOD_NOT and Above
- Anything with 1 number is a feature for GOD_LIKE and Above
- Anything with NO number is a feature for GOD_CUSTOMER_SERVICE and Above
- Anything with 150 number is a feature for GOD_LIAISON and Above
- Anything with 200 number is a feature for GOD_FULL and Above
- Anything with 250 number is a feature for GOD_MAINTENANCE and Above
- Add Account Summary Page
- Show Current Status of Verification(if has payment, etc)
- Country of Residence
- Next Billing date
- Transactions for Region Payments via Stripe
- Buy New Regions/End
- Add Payment Method
- Create a Gloebit Library(application/library)
- Add The Current Amount Of Gloebits the User Has in the Header
- Show all of the user's estates
- Add Link to /land/estate/{id}
- View Groups that User is In
- View Group Notices and Members
- Send a Proposal for Partnership
- Change Profile Picture
- Change Profile Text, Interests, etc
- Use Javascript to Md5() hash the password before the form is sent, so the plain text password is not sent