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Connecting to Beluga

Christopher Strøm edited this page Aug 22, 2021 · 2 revisions


The Beluga AUV has an NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier as it's main computer. This computer runs the entire ROS stack, and is connected to all sensors and MCUs in the system. The Jetson is the computer you need to connect to in order to run mission scripts.

Connecting to the Xavier

The Xavier has a static ip at In order to connect to it, you will need to:

  1. Connect your machine to the same physical network as the Xavier, either directly via the ethernet tether from the AUV, or via the same ethernet switch that the tether is connected to on the shoreside.
  2. Set a static IP for your ethernet connection to 192.168.0.XXX. Make sure to avoid collisions, i.e. no machine should have the same IP.
  3. To check your connection you can open a terminal and type ping If you get a response you are able to communicate with the Xavier.
  4. Connect to the Xavier via SSH by opening a terminal window and typing ssh vortex@
  5. Enter the password when prompted, and you will be connected to the Xavier.

SSH with USB connection

If the above method is not working, the static IP for the Xavier may not be up or configured properly. Luckily, the Xavier has a default channel to connect to in cases like these.

  1. Connect your PC to the Xavier via the USB-C port on the Xavier. Make sure that the Xavier is powered externally.
  2. A connection named NVIDIA Ethernet should then show up. Connect to this.
  3. You should now be able to connect to the Xavier by ssh vortex@ If this does not work, make sure that the NVIDIA Ethernet connection has given you the IP
  4. Once connected, you can optionally configure the normal ethernet connection again by typing sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask Make sure the eth0-interface is UP (this can be checked with ip a. The word after "state" is what you are looking for). If it is DOWN, bring it up by sudo ifup eth0.

DHCP setup

If you wish to set up DHCP for the Xavier, add the following lines to the file /etc/network/interfaces:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
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