This is code and notes taken when working through some of the OpenGL tutorials at It has a lot of problems and probably shouldnt be used by anyone other than me, since this is mainly just for learning.
It uses:
- GLFW 3.3.9
- stb_image
Just the dependencies used on the learnopengl tutorials.
Things that are here:
- Shape and shader utilities
- Camera management utilities
- Projectile class with some basic collision (AABB)
- Texture management class
- A lot of bloat which i will probably get around to cleaning up in future
Things I want to add:
- More precise collision, AABB is not very good at detecting real collisions if the shape isnt a perfect rectangle. Probably need to use more checks which will come after the AABB check to see if we actually collide.
- Jumping and falling, will probably be inside the Player class
- Gravity, for the above and for other stuff Kinda done for shapes, need to do something about the glitchy textures tho.
- Player collision with walls and other objects.
- Also actually finishing the player class.
- Enemies, or entities other than the player
- Sprites and model loading, all that jazz
- Lighting - would be rlly rlly cool
- Probably more that i cant think of.