diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a0020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+end_of_line = lf
+max_line_length = null
+indent_style = tab
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b7ff91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
Git Training
+ Manage your source code like a pro with best version control system!
+ Vojtech Mares | iam@vojtechmares.com
+## Install Git
+Download installer from https://git-scm.com or use package manager.
+### macOS
+brew install git
+### Linux
+apt install git
+### Windows
+choco install git
+## Basic Configuration
+I prefer global configuration (using --global) stored in your home directory applied to all repositories, the global config is located at `~/.gitconfig`.
+You can configure just one repo, you can call git config from you repository with flag --local. Or edit `.git/config` file.
+git config --global user.name "Vojtech Mares"
+git config --global user.email "iam@vojtechmares.com"
+### Rebase workflow (if you want to use rebase workflow)
+**WARNING**: Apply only if you want to use rebase workflow!
+git config --global pull.ff only
+git config --global merge.ff only
+git config --global pull.rebase true
+## Git Editor
+Git use by default Vim or editor from EDITOR environment variable. If you want to use different editor, you can configure it.
+git config --global core.editor emacs
+You can use GUI editors like VS Code too:
+git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
+See Associating text editors with Git on GitHub Help to use your editor on your platform.
+## Git within your prompt
+### Git PS1
+If you want to see your branch in terminal prompt you have to use git-prompt.sh.
+It works on Unix (ZSH & Bash). If you use Windows, it works by default in Git Bash and there is no way how add it into CMD or PowerShell.
+Install On Unix:
+wget https://github.com/git/git/raw/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
+mv git-prompt.sh ~/.git-prompt.sh
+echo ". ~/.git-prompt.sh " >> ~/.bashrc
+You have to add `__git_ps1` to your `PS1` variable.
+Bash Example:
+export PS1="\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$(__git_ps1)\$ "
+Save it to .bashrc:
+echo 'export PS1="\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$(__git_ps1)\$ "' >> ~/.bashrc
+### Oh My ZSH
+Git plugin is enabled by default, no need to configure anything. It is ready to go.
+Maybe configure a theme of your own choosing or create your own to suit all your wishes.
+## Aliases
+You can create own git aliases:
+git config --global alias.
+git config --global alias.co checkout
+git config --global alias.br branch
+git config --global alias.cm commit
+git config --global alias.st status
+Usage of aliases is `git co` for `git checkout`, `git cm` for `git commit`, ...
+Those aliases work on every platform (even Windows).
+### My aliases
+Saved inside global git config `~/.gitconfig`
+ fetch = fetch -p
+ f = fetch -p
+ m = merge
+ mom = merge origin/master
+ p = push
+ pf = push --force-with-lease
+ st = status -s
+ sts = status
+ cm = commit
+ cma = commit --amend
+ fixup = commit --fixup
+ unstage = reset HEAD
+ br = branch
+ co = checkout
+ rh = reset --hard
+ rs = reset --soft
+ stash = stash --keep-index
+ wip = !git add $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && git commit -m WIP
+ su = submodule update --recursive
+ df = diff
+ dfc = diff --cached
+ dfs = diff --staged
+ l = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
+ ll = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
+ ld = log -p
+ ls = log --stat
+ test = push -f origin HEAD:test
+ selenium = push -f origin HEAD:selenium
+ stats = shortlog -n -s --no-merges
+ review = !git ld $1..HEAD --reverse
+ rmb = !sh -c 'git push origin :$1' -
+ rb = rebase
+ rbi = rebase -i
+ rbc = rebase --continue
+ rba = rebase --abort
+ rbs = rebase --skip
+ rbo = rebase --onto
+ rbom = rebase origin/main
+ rbiom = rebase -i origin/main
+ cp = cherry-pick
+ optimize = !git prune && git gc --aggressive && git repack -a && git prune-packed
+ fml = !git commit -m \"$(curl -s whatthecommit.com/index.txt)\"
+ gone = "!git fetch --prune && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname) %(upstream:track)' refs/heads | awk '$2 == \"[gone]\" {sub(\"refs/heads/\", \"\", $1); print $1}' | xargs git branch -D"
+E.g.: `git fml`
+## Ignoring files
+You can configure git to ignore files (or paths) using the `.gitignore` file.
+**/some-random-file.txt # file with such name will be ignored in every directory
+### Keeping empty directories
+This goes hand to hand with `.gitignore`, just add an empty `.gitkeep` file to the directory you wish to keep.
+touch directory-i-want-to-track-in-git/.gitkeep
+## Editor behavior
+This is not a git feature, but is really help full.
+**EditorConfig!** Do not forget to commit it. `.editorconfig`
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+end_of_line = lf
+max_line_length = off
+The most important are `charset` and `end_of_line`. Since git is sensitive to those and it is really great to unify this behavior, so you won't have to deal with such issues in the future, for example related to `CRLF` vs `CR` vs `LF` issues. Since this is a huge trouble when mixed.
+I personally use and recommend `insert_final_newline` and `trim_trailing_whitespace` set to `true`. It also helps with unifying the file format.
+`insert_final_newline` make diffs easier to read, since the previous line is not modified (added new line).
+There is a VS Code extension and Jet Brains plugin.
+## Basic Commands
+### `git status`
+Show status of repository. See which files are edited or want to be committed.
+git status
+Show all untracked files in status
+git status --untracked-files=all
+### `git add`
+Add file to next commit
+git add
+git add index.html
+git add .
+### Partial `git add`
+You can use `-p` to switch into interactive mode and select part of changed file, which you want to commit.
+git add -p
+### `git diff` for new changes
+You can see changes before `git add` or `git commit`.
+See new changes in files managed by Git (not in new files):
+git diff
+If you want to see staged changes (added, prepared for commit), you have to use:
+git diff --staged
+### Unstage
+Remove changes from next commit
+# Unstage all changes
+git reset
+# Unstage file
+git reset --
+### `git commit`
+Save prepared changes to repository
+#### Create commit from all staged changes
+git commit
+#### Create commit form all changes (not new files)
+git commit -a
+#### Commit one file (not new files)
+git commit
+#### Specify message in parameter insted of open vim
+git commit -m ""
+#### Combination of -a -m params
+git commit -am ""
+How to write commit messages: https://cbea.ms/git-commit/
+#### Update latest commit
+git commit --amend
+#### Fixup
+git commit --fixup
+#### Empty commit (no changes)
+git commit --allow-empty
+### `git log`
+Show history of commits
+git log
+git log --oneline
+git log --oneline --graph --all
+### Browsing history
+#### Tig
+Simple terminal history browser for Git
+##### Install
+brew install tig
+apt install tig
+##### Usage
+# only actual branch
+# all branches
+tig --all
+#### Gitk
+Graphic commit log. Distributed with Git.
+# only actual branch
+# all branch
+gitk --all
+### Remote Repository (GitHub, GitLab)
+If you have clonned repository, `git clone` has added configuration of repository.
+Check it by:
+git remote -v
+and you will see:
+vojta@macbook-pro:~/example-repository (main)$ git remote -v
+origin git@github.com:vojtechmares-training/example-repository.git (fetch)
+origin git@github.com:vojtechmares-training/example-repository.git (push)
+If you've created repository by `git init` you see nothing.
+### Add Remote Repository
+To add remote repository, you have to use:
+git remote add
+For example:
+git remote add origin git@github.com:vojtechmares-training/example-repository.git
+Now you can push & share your code with collaborators. Check `git remote -v`.
+### Rename & Remove Remote Repository
+If you want to rename remote repository, use:
+git remote rename
+If you want delete remote, use:
+git remote remove
+### Cleanup local branches which has remote deleted
+git fetch --prune && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname) %(upstream:track)' refs/heads | awk '$2 == \"[gone]\" {sub(\"refs/heads/\", \"\", $1); print $1}' | xargs git branch -D
+Or use an alias
+ # ...
+ gone = "!git fetch --prune && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname) %(upstream:track)' refs/heads | awk '$2 == \"[gone]\" {sub(\"refs/heads/\", \"\", $1); print $1}' | xargs git branch -D"
+Use like any other alias
+git gone
+### `git push`
+Push your commits to remote repository (GitHub).
+# Push new branch to repository
+git push -u
+# Push commit
+git push
+### `git pull`
+Pull new commits from remote repository (GitHub).
+git pull
+### `git fetch`
+Pull changes from remote repository without applying the changes.
+git fetch
+## Working with Branches
+### Stash
+Git stash is used for temporarily postpone your changes to make your working directory clean.
+That's required by some Git commands like `git rebase`, ... or sometimes for `git checkout`, `git cherry-pick`, ...
+If you want to stash changes, use:
+git stash
+And check status using `git status`.
+If you want to see, which files are stashed, use:
+git stash show
+If you want to see patch, add `-p`:
+git stash show -p
+If you want to apply stashed changes and remove stash, use:
+git stash pop
+And check `git diff` and `git stash show`.
+If you have multiple stashes you work only with the latest.
+List all stashes:
+git stash list
+If you want to specify other stash you can use `stash@{0}`. For example:
+git stash show stash@{1}
+git stash show -p stash@{1}
+More about stash in offical documentation -
+### List Branches
+# Show local branches
+git branch
+# Show all branches (with the branches of remote repository - on GitHub)
+git branch --all
+### Create a Branch
+# Create branch (and dont switch to it)
+git branch []
+# Switch branch
+git checkout
+# Create branch and switch to it
+git checkout -b []
+### Switch Branch
+git checkout
+### Push & Pull Branch
+# Push commits to remote repository (GitHub)
+git push -u
+# Pull new commits to my branch
+git pull
+### Merging Branches
+You can merge branches locally or on GitHub / GitLab using Pull / Merge Requests.
+#### Merge commits
+### Rebase
+A great Czech article from [Ondrej Sika](https://ondrej-sika.cz): https://ondrej-sika.cz/git/rebase/
+## Git Reset
+Reset HEAD (current brach) to specific state.
+Set HEAD to specific state, but don't change files in working directory.
+git reset
+If you want also reset files, use `--hard`:
+git reset --hard
+### Remove Last Commit
+For example, you want to remove last commit but want to keep changes:
+git reset HEAD~1
+See `git status` and `git diff`, files from last commit are now in changed.
+If you want remove last commit with its changes, use:
+git reset --hard HEAD~1
+If you want to reset to upstream master
+git fetch
+git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
+And see (`git status`, `git diff`), no changes.
+## Interactive Rebase
+Create some demo commits:
+touch A
+git add A
+git commit -m A
+touch B
+git add B
+git commit -m B
+touch C
+git add C
+git commit -m C
+touch D
+git add D
+git commit -m D
+touch E
+git add E
+git commit -m E
+touch F
+git add F
+git commit -m F
+touch G
+git add G
+git commit -m G
+touch H
+git add G
+git commit -m H
+You rewrite history, join commits, update messages, reorder commits, ...
+git rebase -i [
+git rebase -i HEAD~6
+## Cherry Pick
+Copy commit (ref) to actual HEAD.
+git cherry-pick ][
+git cherry-pick v1.0.x
+git cherry-pick 47bdfb7
+## `git reflog`
+Reflog shows a history of refference. By default shows a `HEAD`. You can undo any git operations even reset.
+git reflog
+git reflog
+## `git tag`
+Create tag:
+git tag [][]
+git tag v1.0.0
+git tag v1.0.0 HEAD~1
+git tag v1.0.0 master
+git tag v1.0.0 075615a
+List tags:
+git tag
+Push tag:
+git push
+git push origin v1.0.0
+Push all tags:
+git push --tags
+git push origin --tags
+Delete tag (not recommended):
+git tag -d
+git tag -d v1.0.1
+Delete tag from server:
+git push :
+git push origin :v1.0.2
+## `git blame`
+See authors of actual code
+git blame
+See authors of code in specific revision
+git blame
+See only lines from 1 to 10
+git blame -L 1,10
+## Submodules
+Clone repository with submodules:
+git clone --recursive
+If you have cloned repository without `--recursive` you have to:
+git submodule update --init
+# for nested submodules
+git submodule update --init --recursive
+Add submodule to repository:
+git submodule init
+git submodule add []
+Add submodule and track specific branch:
+git submodule add -b []
+Update tracked branch:
+git submodule set-branch --branch
+Update remote repository:
+git submodule set-url
+Update submodule from remote repository
+git submodule update --remote
+Pull changes & pull submodules
+git pull --recurse-submodules
+Execute command for each submodule:
+git submodule foreach 'git reset --hard'
+# including nested submodules
+git submodule foreach --recursive 'git reset --hard'
diff --git a/images/mc_branch.png b/images/mc_branch.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9713cde
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/mc_branch.png differ
diff --git a/images/mc_master.png b/images/mc_master.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..151f53f
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/mc_master.png differ
diff --git a/images/rebase.png b/images/rebase.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8226701
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/rebase.png differ