command allows adding/updating any property except name of org name within orgConfig.yml
- quotas
- user/role mappings
- service access
cf-mgmt-config [OPTIONS] org [org-OPTIONS]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[org command options]
--config-dir= Name of the config directory (default: config) [$CONFIG_DIR]
--org= Org name
--private-domain= Private Domain(s) to add, specify multiple times
--private-domain-to-remove= Private Domain(s) to remove, specify multiple times
--enable-remove-private-domains=[true|false] Enable removing private domains
--shared-private-domain= Shared Private Domain(s) to add, specify multiple times
--shared-private-domain-to-remove= Shared Private Domain(s) to remove, specify multiple times
--enable-remove-shared-private-domains=[true|false] Enable removing shared private domains
--enable-remove-spaces=[true|false] Enable removing spaces
--default-isolation-segment= Default isolation segment for org
--clear-default-isolation-segment Sets the default isolation segment to blank
--enable-remove-users=[true|false] Enable removing users from the org
--named-quota= Named quota to assign to org
--clear-named-quota Sets the named quota to blank
--enable-org-quota=[true|false] Enable the Org Quota in the config
--memory-limit= An Org's memory limit in Megabytes
--instance-memory-limit= Global Org Application instance memory limit in Megabytes
--total-routes= Total Routes capacity for an Org
--total-services= Total Services capacity for an Org
--paid-service-plans-allowed=[true|false] Allow paid services to appear in an org
--total-private-domains= Total Private Domain capacity for an Org
--total-reserved-route-ports= Total Reserved Route Ports capacity for an Org
--total-service-keys= Total Service Keys capacity for an Org
--app-instance-limit= App Instance Limit an Org
--app-task-limit= App Task Limit an Org
--log-rate-limit-bytes-per-second= Log Rate limit per app for an org
--billing-manager-ldap-user= Ldap User to add, specify multiple times
--billing-manager-user= User to add, specify multiple times
--billing-manager-saml-user= SAML user to add, specify multiple times
--billing-manager-ldap-group= Group to add, specify multiple times
--billing-manager-ldap-user-to-remove= Ldap User to remove, specify multiple times
--billing-manager-user-to-remove= User to remove, specify multiple times
--billing-manager-saml-user-to-remove= SAML user to remove, specify multiple times
--billing-manager-ldap-group-to-remove= Group to remove, specify multiple times
--manager-ldap-user= Ldap User to add, specify multiple times
--manager-user= User to add, specify multiple times
--manager-saml-user= SAML user to add, specify multiple times
--manager-ldap-group= Group to add, specify multiple times
--manager-ldap-user-to-remove= Ldap User to remove, specify multiple times
--manager-user-to-remove= User to remove, specify multiple times
--manager-saml-user-to-remove= SAML user to remove, specify multiple times
--manager-ldap-group-to-remove= Group to remove, specify multiple times
--auditor-ldap-user= Ldap User to add, specify multiple times
--auditor-user= User to add, specify multiple times
--auditor-saml-user= SAML user to add, specify multiple times
--auditor-ldap-group= Group to add, specify multiple times
--auditor-ldap-user-to-remove= Ldap User to remove, specify multiple times
--auditor-user-to-remove= User to remove, specify multiple times
--auditor-saml-user-to-remove= SAML user to remove, specify multiple times
--auditor-ldap-group-to-remove= Group to remove, specify multiple times
--service= *****DEPRECATED, use 'cf-mgmt-config global service-access' ***** - Service Name to add
--plans= *****DEPRECATED, use 'cf-mgmt-config global service-access' ***** - plans to add, empty list will add all plans
--service-to-remove= *****DEPRECATED, use 'cf-mgmt-config global service-access' ***** - name of service to remove
--label= Label to add, can specify multiple
--label-value= Label value to add, can specify multiple but need to match number of label args
--annotation= Annotation to add, can specify multiple
--annotation-value= Annotation value to add, can specify multiple but need to match number of annotation args
--labels-to-remove= name of label to remove
--annotations-to-remove= name of annotation to remove