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Dynamic tracing with BTrace

asssaf edited this page Feb 23, 2016 · 7 revisions

Sometimes logging and operation tracing give too much or too little information for tracing a specific issue.

BTrace is a tool for dynamically tracing and instrumenting java code (the java equivalent of DTrace). You write a probe in java then dynamically insert it into a running Xenon host.

$ PID=$(jps | awk '/my-service-host-1.0.0.jar/ { print $1 }')
$ bin/btrace -cp /path/to/my-service-host-1.0.0.jar $PID 

Some examples of things that can be done for Xenon with BTrace:

  1. Print all the the operations being sent in the host (operation details such as URI, body as well as the stacktrace leading to the operation)
package com.vmware.xenon.btrace;

import com.sun.btrace.annotations.*;
import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.*;

@BTrace public class Xenon {
    public static void onClientSend(com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation operation) {
        // print the toString of the Operation (alternatively can print only specific fields):
        println("Client Send: " + operation);

        // optionally print the stacktrace useful for understanding which service the operation originated from

This is similar to the operation tracing feature, but you can filter for specific URIs, services or include more relevant information.

  1. Create a histogram of accessed URIs:
package com.vmware.xenon.btrace;

import com.sun.btrace.annotations.*;
import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

@BTrace public class Xenon {
    public static String ignorePath = "/core/node-groups/default";
    public static String ignoreReferer = "/core/document-index";
    private static Map<String, AtomicInteger> histo = Collections.newHashMap();

    public static void onClientSend(com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation operation) {
        Object refererUri = Reflective.get(Reflective.field("com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation", "referer"), operation);
        String referer = str(Reflective.get(Reflective.field("", "path"), refererUri));
        if (compare(ignoreReferer, referer)) {
        Object uri = Reflective.get(Reflective.field("com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation", "uri"), operation);
        String path = str(Reflective.get(Reflective.field("", "path"), uri));
        if (compare(ignorePath, path)) {

        AtomicInteger ai = Collections.get(histo, path);
        if (ai == null) {
            ai = Atomic.newAtomicInteger(1);
            Collections.put(histo, path, ai);
        } else {

    public static void print() {
        if (Collections.size(histo) != 0) {
            printNumberMap("Path Histogram", histo);
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