This repository contains, amongst other things, an Azure Resource Manager template for deploying BOSH and CloudFoundry.
- Clone this repository
$ git clone
- Create an Azure deployment parameters file for go with the template itself, call it 'azure-deploy-parameters.json'. The file needs to look like this;
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"storageAccountNamePrefixString": {
"value": "mystorage"
"adminSSHKey": {
"value": "ssh-rsa XXXXxxxx"
"tenantID": {
"value": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"clientID": {
"value": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"clientSecret": {
"value": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"pivnetAPIToken": {
"value": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Give each parameter a suitable value;
- storageAccountNamePrefixString - this is a unique prefix name for you Azure storage account.
- adminSSHKey - your rsa public key that will be trusted by the "jumpbox"
- tenantID - your tenant ID for the subscription you wish to use
- clientID - the client ID associated to the subscription
- clientSecret - the clients secret (password)
- pivnetAPIToken - all releases for BOSH are supported releases downloaded from Pivotal Network. Access to the network website is made available via the API token assigned to your account.
Once that file is complete, you can deploy it like this;
$ azure group create -n "cf" -l "West US"
$ azure group deployment create -f azuredeploy.json -e azuredeploy.parameters.json -v cf cfdeploy
Once the azure CLI has returned, there should be a tmux process running on the "jumpbox", completing the rest of the install. Connect to the session like this;
ssh -t "tmux -S /tmp/shared-tmux-session attach -t shared"