Original Development by Vicky Loebel
A portfolio website showcasing the web-development projects written or modified by Vicky Loebel.
A one-page responsive website including:
- HEADER Section:
- Developer's name
- Menu linking to each of the other sections
- ABOUT ME Section:
- Developer's photo
- Short biography
- WORK Section:
- Images of applications (or application placeholders) that showcase developer's work
- The first application/image should be larger than the others
- Titles on each image stating
- Application Name
- Web-development function it showcases (e.g."HTML/CSS")
- Links on each image to corresponding live application
- Placeholders do not require links
- Images of applications (or application placeholders) that showcase developer's work
- CONTACT ME Section
- phone, email, and social media links.
- Photographic placeholders will be used when no external application is available for showcasing.
- A combination of five live and dummy sites will be presented.
- Application should be "mobile-first" - designed to appear best on a small screen with additional CSS to optimize layouts on larger screens.
- 12/20/2020 submitted - responsive design pending