(Mostly a condensed verion of the quickstart already in the official manual, or the Wiki. Tested using mrbayes
on a Linux machine.)
- Uses a variant of MCMC (with "hot" and "cold" chains - see the MCMC Chains section below, under "Other Useful Stuff") to produce a file with multiple trees (extension
), and a log file (extension.p
). Does not produce time-resolved trees. - Pretty fast for an MCMC-based tree algorithm (faster than BEAST, anyway).
- Can do other kinds of analysis like dNdS, with HPD intervals.
- Doesn't like special characters - will convert them all to underscores. This is highly annoying.
There are two modes of operation: interactive mode and batch mode. The interactive mode is initialized by typing mb
into the command line, after which you'll enter parameter inputs line by line. In batch mode, you'll prepare a text file named, say, my_run_file.txt
containing all the necessary parameters, then run that text file using mb my_run_file.txt
. This tutorial assumes that you already have a suitable input .nexus
file containing your aligned sequences.
Initialize with mb
, then enter the following lines one at a time. Press 'Enter' at each new line:
set usebeagle=yes beagledevice=gpu beagleprecision=single;
execute input_file.nexus;
lset nst=6 rates=gamma;
mcmc nruns=1 nchains=2 ngen=10000000 samplefreq=10000 printfreq=10000 diagnfreq=100000;
To break that down:
set usebeagle=yes beagledevice=gpu beagleprecision=single;
- Use the BEAGLE GPU library. Use single-precision for less accurate, but marginally faster runs. There's a BEAGLE SSE option as well, which doesn't help with single-precision runs, but could help speed up double-precision runs (not tested yet)execute input_file.nexus;
- Loads the input file, in nexus format.lset nst=6 rates=gamma;
- Use the GTR model, with gamma priors. Usehelp lset
in interactive mode to see more options.mcmc...
- mcmc parameters: 1 run, 2 chains, 10M chain length, sampling every 10,000 states (to get 1,000 trees). The "cold" and "hot" chains may swap positions every 100,000 states; specified by thediagnfreq
Prepare a run.txt
file with the following lines:
begin mrbayes;
set autoclose=yes;
set usebeagle=yes beagledevice=gpu beagleprecision=single;
execute input_file.nexus;
lset nst=6 rates=gamma;
mcmc nruns=1 nchains=2 ngen=10000000 samplefreq=10000 printfreq=10000 diagnfreq=100000;
The additional set autoclose=yes
line prevents the program from prompting during the run. In interactive mode, mrbayes
will ask to confirm whether or not to continue with the run very 20,000 generations; the autoclose
flag switches off that behaviour.
Run the batch mode file with nohup
nohup mb run.txt &> log.out&
This will write all screen output (STDOUT) to log.out
Stick to the single-core use first, because, oddly, mpi slows down, rather than speeds up, mrbayes
jobs with multiple runs and/or chains. I suspect that mpicc just hasn't been tweaked properly yet, or I mucked up the mpi-enabled compilation somewhere. This section is here just for your interest.
You'll need (all already available in our server):
(or some other C compiler)autotools
for MPI compilerBEAGLE
Download MrBayes from source, cd into the /src
directory, and execute the following commands:
./configure --enable-mpi=yes
This will create an executable named mb
As far as I know, this an only be done in batch mode. Simply run:
mpirun -np 2 mb my_nexus_file.nex
This will use both cores (-np 2
) of our server.
MrBayes runs a Metropolis-coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, or MCMCMC. This is to solve a practical problem where the target distribution has multiple peaks, separated by valleys. Instead of 1 MCMC robot (as with BEAST), we have, say, 4 robots (default mrbayes
setting: 3 "hot" chains, 1 "cold" chain), exploring the landscape in parallel. At the end of the run, only the output from the cold chain is kept; the rest are discarded.
- The "cold" chain is the "main" chain, and behaves as normal (like in BEAST)
- The "hot" chains have a flatter distribution, which makes it easier for them to avoid getting stuck in valleys or local peaks.
- Every so often, a "cold" chain may swap with a "hot" chain. This allows cold chains to "jump" through valleys easier.
The default setting for mrbayes
is to have 2 runs, each with 4 chains (3 hot, 1 cold). I recommend using 1 run with 2 chains, because:
- Total runtime is presently still a multiple of the number of runs and number of chains. If 1 run with 1 chain takes 1 hour, then 1 run with 2 chains takes 2 hours, and 2 runs, each with 4 chains, would take 8 hours.
- Number of chains - It's difficult to ascertain the optimal number of chains - 4 chains does not garauntee 4x better MCMC mixing. Mixing, after all, is ultimately dependant on the dataset. So for now, 2 chains is the best strategy that minimally utilizes the chain-swapping feature.
- Number of runs - On our server, increasing the number of runs will just slow down total compute time by a multiple of however many runs were started. So might as well initialize reruns as necessary, instead of asking for 3 runs at once.
behaves like BEAST
in that its estimates of remaining runtime will be very erratic at the start of the MCMC chain during the burn-in; it's quite normal for mrbayes
to estimate, say 40h left of required runtime, and then drop to 30h, only after an hour. Unfortunately, this makes estimating the required walltime quite difficult for submission to M3. For single runs, best to just run on our server - though, of course, the more you try to run at once, the slower each run will be. If you really have to submit to M3, do a 1-to-2h pilot run first, just to get an estimate of burn-in and total runtime required.
- [1] Wikipedia article on MCMCMC
- [2] Tim Vaughan's Bayesian MCMC lecture slides