jquery.inputmask is a jquery plugin which create an input mask.
Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013 Robin Herbots Licensed under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
The plugin is based on the idea of the maskedinput plugin of Josh Bush (http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin), but has finer control over the 'mask-definitions'.
A definition can have a cardinality and have multiple prevalidators.
Example of some new definitions:
'm': { //month
validator: function(chrs, buffer) {
var dayValue = buffer.join('').substr(0, 3);
return $.inputmask.defaults.aliases['dd/mm/yyyy'].regex.month.test(dayValue + chrs);
cardinality: 2,
prevalidator: [{ validator: "[01]", cardinality: 1}]
'y': { //year
validator: function(chrs, buffer) {
if ($.inputmask.defaults.aliases['dd/mm/yyyy'].regex.year.test(chrs)) {
var dayMonthValue = buffer.join('').substr(0, 6);
if (dayMonthValue != "29/02/")
return true;
else {
var year = parseInt(chrs); //detect leap year
if (year % 4 == 0)
if (year % 100 == 0)
if (year % 400 == 0)
return true;
else return false;
else return true;
else return false;
} else return false;
cardinality: 4,
prevalidator: [
{ validator: "[12]", cardinality: 1 },
{ validator: "(19|20)", cardinality: 2 },
{ validator: "(19|20)\\d", cardinality: 3 }
insertMode: false
These allow for a finer date validation then 99/99/9999 which also allows 33/33/3333 for example. In the jquery.inputmask.extensions.js you find a full date input validation which takes days, months & leap years into account.
Also extra features like mask-repetitions (greedy and non-gready) and many other additions are included. In the examples you will find more about them.
Include the js-files:
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.inputmask.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.inputmask.extensions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Define your masks:
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y"); //direct mask
$("#phone").inputmask("mask", {"mask": "(999) 999-9999"}); //specifying fn & options
$("#tin").inputmask({"mask": "99-9999999"}); //specifying options only
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y",{ "placeholder": "*" });
or a multi-char placeholder
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y",{ "placeholder": "dd/mm/yyyy" });
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y",{ "oncomplete": function(){ alert('inputmask complete'); } });
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y",{ "onincomplete": function(){ alert('inputmask incomplete'); } });
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y",{ "oncleared": function(){ alert('inputmask cleared'); } });
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y",{ "clearIncomplete": true } });
$("#number").inputmask({ "mask": "9", "repeat": 10 }); // ~ mask "9999999999"
$("#number").inputmask({ "mask": "9", "repeat": 10, "greedy": false }); // ~ mask "9" or mask "99" or ... mask "9999999999"
this can be done with the traditionnal jquery.val function (all browsers) or javascript value property for browsers which implement lookupGetter or getOwnPropertyDescriptor
var number = document.getElementById("number");
number.value = 12345;
with the autoUnmaskoption you can change the return of $.fn.val (or value property) to unmaskedvalue or the maskedvalue
$('#<%= tbDate.ClientID%>').inputmask({ "mask": "d/m/y", 'autoUnmask' : true}); // value: 23/03/1973
alert($('#<%= tbDate.ClientID%>').val()); // shows 23031973 (autoUnmask: true)
var tbDate = document.getElementById("<%= tbDate.ClientID%>");
alert(tbDate.value); // shows 23031973 (autoUnmask: true)
$.extend($.inputmask.defaults.definitions, {
'f': {
"validator": "[0-9\(\)\.\+/ ]",
"cardinality": 1,
'prevalidator': null
$.extend($.inputmask.defaults, {
'autounmask': true
$('#test').inputmask('€ 999.999.999,99', { numericInput: true }); //123456 => € ___.__1.234,56
$("#months").inputmask("m \\months");
remove the empty mask on blur or when not empty removes the optional trailing part
$("#ssn").inputmask("999-99-9999",{placeholder:" ", clearMaskOnLostFocus: true }); //default
It is possible to define some parts in the mask as optional. This is done by using [ ].
$('#test').inputmask('(99) 9999[9]-9999');
This mask wil allow input like (99) 99999-9999 or (99) 9999-9999. Input => 12123451234 Active mask => (99) 99999-9999 Input => 121234-1234 Active mask => (99) 9999-9999
When clearMaskOnLostFocus: true
is set in the options (default), the mask will clearout the optional part when it is not filled in and this only in case the optional part is at the end of the mask.
For example, given:
While the field has focus and is blank, users will see the full mask ___-___
When the required part of the mask is filled and the field loses focus, the user will see 123
When both the required and optional parts of the mask are filled out and the field loses focus, the user will see 123-ABC
First you have to create an alias definition (more examples can be found in jquery.inputmask.extensions.js)
$.extend($.inputmask.defaults.aliases, {
'date': {
mask: "d/m/y"
'dd/mm/yyyy': {
alias: "date"
$("#date").inputmask("date"); // => equals to $("#date").inputmask("d/m/y");
or use the dd/mm/yyyy alias of the date alias:
$("#date").inputmask("dd/mm/yyyy"); // => equals to $("#date").inputmask("d/m/y");
see jquery.inputmask.extensions.js for an example how to define "auto"-casing in a definition (definition A) casing can be null, "upper" or "lower"
$("#test").inputmask("999-AAA"); // => 123abc ===> 123-ABC
return the default (empty) mask value
var initialValue = $("#test").inputmask("getemptymask"); // initialValue => "___-___"
Use this to do some extra processing of the input when certain keys are pressed. This can be usefull when implementing an alias, ex. decimal alias, autofill the digits when pressing tab.
see jquery.inputmask.extensions.js for some examples
Check wheter the returned value is masked or not; currently only works reliable when using jquery.val fn to retrieve the value
function validateMaskedValue(val){}
function validateValue(val){}
var val = $("#test").val();
else validateValue(val);
Shows the mask when hovering the mouse. (default = true)
$("#ssn").inputmask("999-99-9999",{ showMaskOnHover: true }); //default
Callback function is executed on every keyvalidation with the result as parameter.
{ onKeyValidation: function (result) {
} });
Verify wheter the current value is complete or not.
//do something
<input id="test" dir="rtl" />
<input id="test" readonly="readonly" />
<input id="test" disabled="disabled" />
<input id="test" maxlength="4" />
First grab the sources from github. In the root you type ant. A new folder dist is created with the minified and optimized js-files
PM> Install-Package jQuery.InputMask
In App_Start, BundleConfig.cs
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/inputmask").Include(
In Layout
$("#date").inputmask("date"); // alias for dd/mm/yyyy
$("#date").inputmask("date", {yearrange: { minyear: 1900, maxyear: 2099 }}); //specify year range
The date aliases take leapyears into account. There is also autocompletion on day, month, year. For example:
input: 2/2/2012 result: 02/02/2012
input: 352012 result: 03/05/2012
input: 3/530 result: 03/05/2030
input: ctrl rightarrow result: the date from today
$("#date").inputmask("datetime"); // 24h
$("#date").inputmask("datetime12"); // am/pm
There is autocompletion on tab with decimal numbers.
Define the radixpoint
$("#numeric").inputmask("decimal", { radixPoint: "," });
Define the number of digits after the radixpoint
$("#numeric").inputmask("decimal", { digits: 3 });
Grouping support through: autoGroup, groupSeparator, groupSize
$("#numeric").inputmask("decimal", { radixPoint: ",", autoGroup: true, groupSeparator: ".", groupSize: 3 });