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2. Examples

Francisco Eduardo Martinez Terrazas edited this page Feb 9, 2017 · 2 revisions

All methods in the handler interfaces are asynchronous. Here are some examples on how to use them.


ILinesHandler interface defines functionality that affects Lines API end point.

        Task<Result<bool>> IsVirtualQActive(long lineId);

Returns true if a line that matches the lineId parameter is active, otherwise returns false.

        bool isVirtualQActive;
        long lineId = 3;

        var result = await client.Lines.IsVirtualQActive(lineId);

            // You can collect the value returned by the API
            isVirtualQActive = result.Value;
            // Something went wrong, verify the error object assigned to the Error property

Alternatively the result of the task can be obtained with the Result property:

        var result = client.Lines.IsVirtualQActive(lineId).Result;


ILineGroupsHandler interface defines functionality that affects Line Groups API end point.

        Task<Result> UpdateLineGroup(long lineGroupId, UpdateLineGroupParameters attributes);

Updates a Line Group that matches lineGroupId parameter with the information supplied in the attributes parameter. This method doesn't return a value from the API.

        long lineGroupIdToUpdate = 185;
        UpdateLineGroupParameters attributes = new UpdateLineGroupParameters
            ServiceEwt = 300,
            ServiceCallersCount = 2,
            ServiceAverageTalkTime = 35,
            ServiceAgentsCount = 3,
            ServiceAgentList = new string[] { "A", "B", "C" }

        Result result = await client.LineGroups.UpdateLineGroup(lineGroupIdToUpdate, attributes);

            // Something went wrong, verify the error object assigned to the Error property

Alternatively the result of the task can be obtained with the Result property:

        Result result = client.LineGroups.UpdateLineGroup(lineGroupIdToUpdate, attributes).Result;

For more information: Asynchronous Programming with async and await

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