A terminal-based Python script that allows YouTube to act as storage for any type of file.
All credit for the original concept belongs to DvorakDwarf and their Infinite-Storage-Glitch project.
I'm very new to Python, as well as programming in general, and as a result the code within this repository is most likely incrediably inefficient, messily written, and riddled with plenty of bugs. When using this project, please keep that in mind, and report any Issues here and I'll do my best to fix them. Thanks!
- Install Python 3
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/rondotcomYT/Infinity-Drive.git
- Download Git if you do not have it installed
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download pip if you do not have it installed
- Run Infinity-Drive
python Infinity-Drive.py
- Follow on-screen instructions