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ViM ...I'm lovin it

Dear developers, IT professionals, and system administrators worldwide, this is my semi-final version of the .vimrc file, and I want to share it with everyone.


Welcome to my .vimrc project! This configuration file is designed to provide an efficient, customizable, and powerful environment for developers and system administrators. It supports a wide range of programming languages and includes features to optimize editing, coding, and navigating in ViM.

Special Feature: This .vimrc includes the QBColor theme, inspired by QBasic for nostalgic fans of the 90s. However, the default theme is One Dark, which resembles GitHub's style for a more modern and comfortable development experience.

The goal of this configuration is to have a powerful and customizable editor capable of meeting the needs of:

  • Developers: with support for C, C++, Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • System Administrators: for quick and comfortable editing of configuration files on Linux and macOS systems.
  • Github and Copilot:

I revised this configuration to overcome some issues with YouCompleteMe on Debian 12 stable and to make it even more complete and versatile.

Note: A future TODO is to integrate OmniSharp and plugins for Unity3D, but for game development, I have fully embraced Godot and prefer to use its environment for GDscript.

Installation Guide

Create the ViM Directory

mkdir ~/.vim

Install Plugin Managers


curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Debian GNU/Linux

sudo apt install fonts-powerline

Description of the .vimrc File

This configuration includes:

General Settings

  • Line Numbers:

    set number
    set relativenumber

    Displays line numbers and relative references to facilitate navigation.

  • Visual Guidelines:

    set cursorline
    set showcmd
    set showmatch
    set wildmenu

    Improves text readability and navigation.

  • Tabs and Spaces:

    set tabstop=4
    set shiftwidth=4
    set expandtab

    Configures tab behavior to adhere to coding standards.

  • Mouse Support:

    set mouse=a

    Enables mouse support for navigating within ViM.

Supported Plugins (via VimPlug)

  • NERDTree: A file explorer for quick navigation.

    Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
  • ALE: For linting and real-time error handling.

    Plug 'dense-analysis/ale'
  • CoC.nvim: Autocompletion and language support.

    Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

    Copilot: Github Copilot Support

      Plug 'github/copilot.vim'                             " Github Copilot
  • QBColor: Nostalgic QBasic-style theme for '90s lovers.

    Plug 'vim-scripts/qbcolor'

    This plugin transforms your ViM into a retro paradise, bringing back the classic look of good old QBasic!

Additional Customizations

  • Syntax Highlighting:

    syntax on
    filetype plugin indent on
  • Optimized Performance:

    set hidden
    set history=1000


  • Integrate OmniSharp for Unity3D support.
  • Add specific configurations to enhance the Godot experience.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Anyone is free to improve this configuration and, if they wish, credit me as the original author.

How to Contribute

Feel free to clone this repository, experiment, and propose changes:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a branch for your modifications.
  3. Submit a pull request with a clear description of the improvements.

Thank you for reading this guide! I hope it proves helpful and inspires you to customize your own ViM editor.


ViM ...i'm lovin it






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