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Code Explanation -- Genetic Algorithm

Method using Genetic Algorithm with Lamda Search Based for Equation Economic Dispatch with Piecewise Function Characteristic

Initialization Power Unit Parameter

Parameter for Power Unit such as Power output, IHR, Demand, Cost Unit, and Tolerance

p = np.array([[100, 200, 300, 400], [150, 275, 390, 450], [130, 260, 430,500],[170,300,450,600]], dtype=np.float64)
ihr = np.array([[7000, 8200, 8900, 11000], [7500, 7700, 8100, 8500],[7300,8300,9000,10000],[7100,8300,8800,10300]], dtype=np.float64)
demand = 1200 #Daya yang ingin dibangkitkan
costUnit = np.array([1.6, 2.1, 1.8, 2.2], dtype=np.float64) #Cost Pembangkitan,
tol = 0.01 #Toleransi angka

Initialization Genetic Parameter

Parameter for Genetic Algorithm such as Popluation number, Retain rate, Mutate rate, and random select

count=100 #Banyaknya populasi, Sebaiknya di atas 10
retain=0.4 #Nilai probabilitas individu di seleksi dalam populasi
random_select=0.7 #Nilai probabilitas individu yang terbuang di masukan kembali ke populasi --> Genetic Diversity
mutate=0.4 #Nilai probabilitas terjadi mutasi pada individu

Evolve Function

Function for handling population after being created. There are many process here such as Retain, Random Select, and Mutate and Cross Over between invidual

def evolve(pop,demand,retain,random_select,mutate):
gradeda = [ (fitness(x,demand), x) for x in pop]

def sortSecond(val):
    return val[0]
graded = [x[1] for x in gradeda]

#Individu Selection
retain_lenght = int(len(graded)*retain)
parents = graded[:retain_lenght]
#print('Parent Terpilih :',parents)

#Genetic Diversity : Mengambil lagi beberapa Individu untuk mencegah local optimum
for individu in graded[retain_lenght:]:
    if random_select > random.random():
#print('Parent setelah ditambah :', parents)

#Individu Mutation : Mutasi nilai kromosom pada individu
for individu in parents:
    if mutate > random.random():
        place_to_mutate = randint(0,len(individu)-1)
        individu[place_to_mutate] = random.uniform(min(individu), max(individu))

#print('Parent hasil mutasi :', parents)

#CrossOver : Menyilangkan antar individu menjadi individu baru utk mencukupi kembali populasi
parents_lenght = len(parents)
desired_lenght = len(temp_lamda) - parents_lenght
children = []
while len(children) < desired_lenght:
    malenumber = randint(0,parents_lenght-1)
    femalenumber = randint(0, parents_lenght -1)
    if malenumber != femalenumber:
        male = parents[malenumber]
        female = parents[femalenumber]
        half = round(len(male)/2)
        child = male[:half] + female[half:]
#print('Parent populasi utuh', parents)
return parents

Individu and Population Function

Generating individu and population

def individual(lenght,min,max):
    return [random.uniform(min,max) for x in range(lenght)]#

def population(count, lenght, min, max):
    return [individual(lenght,min,max) for x in range (count)]

Fitness and Grade Function

Calculate fitness of every individual then Grade them out of some population

#Rating tiap individu
def fitness(one_slope,demand):
    for i in range(nGen):
        if one_slope[i] <= lamda[i, 0]:
            temp_slope[0,i] = slope[i, 0]
            temp_constant[0,i] = const[i, 0]
        for k in range(bp - 1):
            if (one_slope[i] > lamda[i, k]) & (one_slope[i] <= lamda[i, k + 1]):
                temp_slope[0,i] = slope[i, k + 1]
                temp_constant[0,i] = const[i, k + 1]
        if one_slope[i] > lamda[i, bp - 1]:
            temp_slope[0,i] = slope[i, bp - 1]
            temp_constant[0,i] = const[i, bp - 1]
    for i in range(nGen):
        if temp_slope[0, i] == 0:
            Pow[0, i] = Pow_min[i,0]
        elif (one_slope[i] - temp_constant[0, i]) / temp_slope[0, i] >= Pow_max[i, 0]:
            Pow[0, i] = Pow_max[i, 0]
            Pow[0, i] = (one_slope[i] - temp_constant[0, i]) / temp_slope[0, i]
    return abs(demand-sum)

#Rating/nilai sebuah populasi
def grade(pop, demand):
        summed=reduce(add, (fitness(x, demand) for x in pop),0)
        return summed/(len(pop)*1.0)

Main Function -- Generating Population and Looping for best fitness

temp_lamda=population(count,nGen,min_lam,max_lam) #Membentuk populasi
fitness_history=[grade(temp_lamda, demand)] #nilai awal populasi

# Looping until fitness function below tolerance
while 1:
    temp_lamda= evolve(temp_lamda, demand, retain, random_select, mutate)


    fitness_history.append(fitness(temp_lamda[0], demand))
    if fitness(temp_lamda[0],demand) <=tol:
    if Generation >=500:
        print('Iterasi terhenti di generasi ke-',Generation)