Take full control of the vMix software remotely without the need to open ports on your network using our web application. Our solution is built on a dedicated Docker server, for which a Docker image is available. (DEMO)
Remote control of vMix software
No port opening required
Utilizes a Docker server for efficient management and easy scalability
Log de l'Activité:
- Docker Server
- Modern web browser (chromium (chrome,edge...) or firefox)
- Docker Compose (if used without Docker Hub) Make sure to install Docker and Docker Compose on your server to leverage all the features of the application. If you're using a configuration without Docker Hub, ensure you have Docker Compose installed locally on your system.
How to Use Docker Image with Docker Compose (recommandé, DockerHub)
version: '3'
image: vincentberry/vmix-remote
- "8080:80"
restart: unless-stopped
The logs are stored within the Docker container /var/log/apache2
- Download the GitHub repository.
- Docker compose up.
version: '3'
image: php:8.0-apache
container_name: vmix-remote
- ./app/:/var/www/html/
- ./config/prod/apache2/conf-available/swag.conf:/etc/apache2/conf-available/swag.conf
- ./config/prod/apache2/sites-enabled:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
- ./log:/var/log/apache2
restart: unless-stopped
hostname: vmix-remote
# command: a2enmod rewrite && a2enmod remoteip && a2enconf swag && docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql && /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- remotevmix
name: remotevmix
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