React port of Windy Leaflet API using react-leaflet as base
A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.
Rheostat is a www, mobile, and accessible slider component built with React
The Most Complete React UI Component Library
A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB
🧙 Build, run, and manage data pipelines for integrating and transforming data.
A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns
A Collection of Plugins for kubectl Integration (exec as any user, context switching, etc).
🗺 High Quality GeoJSON maps programmatically generated.
🍂🗺️ The most powerful leaflet plugin for drawing and editing geometry layers
A global, public domain map dataset available at three scales and featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data.
A completely useless telegram bot that registers stuff in a google sheets sheet.
FastAPI application and service structure for a more maintainable codebase – See full article
A curated list of awesome things related to FastAPI
basic fastapi demo todo app with authentication
API with high performance to create a simple blog and Auth using OAuth2 ⛏
Azure Key Vault Module using Terraform
Building a Docker image to run Python scripts written for PySCIPOpt 4.0.0 to solve optimization problems with SCIP. This work is heavily based on the preparations that were made by Aleksey Piskun i…
🐧 Provision an Azure Linux VM with Terraform
🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Distances between ports (PUB151) in JSON format