diff --git a/03_OPNMF/README.md b/03_OPNMF/README.md index b85faa2..fa89625 100644 --- a/03_OPNMF/README.md +++ b/03_OPNMF/README.md @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ The scripts should be run in sequential order to establish OPNMF parcellations f OPNMF is conducted using this repo (https://github.com/kaurao/opnmfR) which needs to be installed using ```remotes::install_github("kaurao/opnmfR")```. For bootstrapping (```run_OPMNF_boot.sh```) the ```opnmfR_boot.R``` function is used. -OPNMF solutions for the chimpanzee (n189) and IXI (n480) with granularities of 2 - 40 can be downlaoded [here](https://zenodo.org/record/7116203#.YzLvCfexWV4). Additionally the output of all 100 bootstraps (without the parcellations) is also provided. +OPNMF solutions for the chimpanzee (n189) and IXI (n480) with granularities of 2 - 40 can be downlaoded [here](https://zenodo.org/records/10141986). Additionally the output of all 100 bootstraps (without the parcellations) is also provided.