The use of Tailwind CSS for responsive styling. Small screens first.
Using the following bash code to set up a new Next JS + Tailwind CSS environment.
npx create-next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app
Using Tailwind plugins to get custome UIs
Using Faker.js to get fake user data to populate data fields like the Stories section of the build.
to be able to scale the colums on different breakpoints when designing the dashboard. -
implementing NextAuth.js as the User Authentication for signing in and out with the help of Firebase.
Added more than one sign-in/sign-up providers, Github and Google.
Using Recoil JS for state management instead of Redux because it is light-weight and a powerful global store state manager.
Using Headless UI is poweful for accessable components and works well with Tailwind.
Working with uploading image and caption to show on the timeline:
- i uploaded the post to firestore then went ahead to upload the post to firebase storage
- now that its in firebase storage we got the download URL and all we need to do is update the orginal doc with new post from the URL.
Adding comments to firebase firestore