I am a Frontend Developer, currently working in OptimalGroup remotely.
- HTML, CSS, Sass/Less/PostCss, Vanilla JavaScript, VueJs, React, Figma, Git, Webpack, Gulp, Vite.
- 2015 Bachelor of Infocommunication technologies, networks and services (SSUT)
- 2022 Professional Website Layout, Adaptive Layout, JS (HTML Academy)
- 2022 JavaScript Fundamentals (Udemy)
- 2023 Vue fundamentals (Udemy)
- 2023 React fundamentals (Udemy)
- text me on telegram: https://t.me/irina_vikhrova
- e-mail me: irina.vikhrova@proton.me
- linkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irina-vikhrova/
I passionate about travel