Personalized online spell correction and auto-completion.
Typical spell correction solutions used in production systems consist of large indexed lookup tables based on a global model trained across many users over a large scale web corpus or a query log.For search over personal corpora, such as email, this global solution is not sufficient, as it ignores the user’s personal lexicon. Without personalization, global spelling fails to correct tail queries drawn from a user’s own, often idiosyncratic, lexicon. Personalization using existing algorithms is difficult due to resource constraints and unavailability of sufficient data to build per-user models [1].
It works by augmenting the Levenshtein distance. It is a basic implementation based on the algorithms defined in the paper referenced below.
In demo
Correct: Vulcanodon, Query: volacando
Correct: Eolambia, Query: ealaxmia
Correct: Gastonia, Query: aastonaa
Language requirement: Python3 (developed using python3.6)
- Using SSH:
git clone
OR - Using HTTP:
git clone
- Using SSH:
Create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv </path/to/venv>
Activate your virtual-environment
- Linux:
source </path/to/venv>/bin/activate
- Windows:
cd </path/to/venv>
- Linux:
Install the requirements
cd <root-dir-of-project>
pip install -I -r requirements.txt
The Lexicon -
cd <root-dir-of-project>
: you can see a file named lexicon.json, it contains all the candidates that are to be ranked for a given user query input. - Change the content of the "lexicon.json" as required. Currently it contains a sample lexicon for dynasore names. -
cd <root-dir-of-project>
Type some query and wait for result (because it's a bit slow.)
- Gupta, J. P., Qin, Z., Bendersky, M., & Metzler, D. (2019). Personalized Online Spell Correction for Personal Search.