This project is a demo for product search using vision-api of google-cloud. This project is built using nodejs and expressjs.
I have checked-in related npm packages with this repo (not sure if i should do this but will remove it if i will work on it). so, most part to run this project is
- create a google-cloud account
- create a bucket
- enable vision-api
- genearte the auth key for vision-api
- for more information on this, visit Google Cloud Product Search Tutorial
- install nodejs
- install google-cloud-vision-api-library
- download the project
- install dependencies
- modify the details related to google-cloud in configuration js
- open console (or open project with some code editor)
- run using 'npm start' or the code editor
Product-images will be stored at two places: on bucket and on local. If we start optimizing this project, then there are many enhancements possible. Currently, google-search results are good but not that much effective. we can optimize them by applying one more level of some kind of filtering. (like feature extraction of AWS image-rekognization gives us details of image).
This is just a demo. so,
- i haven't done much refactoring (today).
- This is not suitable code for prod.
- I haven't even captured test cases.
- images are saved locally