MUST Mandatory for all Engineers who are part of this project to review GIT Standards
Parent Branch - main
Manage By Team Lead
Purpose - Production branch
Access - Team Lead
Server - Uploaded on production server.
Note - Dont touch or update any code in this branch directly.
Development Branch - staging
Manage By Team Lead and Backend Engineer
Access - Team Lead
Purpose - For development purpose and testing.
Server - Uploaded on staging / uat / qa server.
Development Branch - development
Manage By Team Lead and Backend Engineer
Access - All Members
Purpose - For development purpose and testing.
Server - Uploaded on development server.
Developer/Engineers Branch - Eg - feature/{feature_name}
Create a feature specific branch from development branch.
Update your feature branch with a remote parent branch.
Maintain the branch name throughout the project.
Feature branch name coule be - "feature/auth", "feature/user".
For QUICK fixing on production server or in main branch
Do not touch the main branch directly on production. For any changes in main, please create "hotfix-date" or "hotfix/date"
Example:- It could be hotfix-* or like hotfix/29-08-2020
Manage By Team Lead or Sr. Engineer
Don't forgot to Stash your uncommitted changes if you want to test or check any other branch in your local system without merge/pull.
Stale / Completed / Unnecessary Branch
Remove stale branches or temp branches once work is done. (Duration after 10 days of completed work)