A Clojure library designed to ease integration with Cloud Foundry
NOTE: Work In Progress
With leiningen add it to your project dependencies like this:
[claude "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT"]
And with Maven you can do:
Then on your code you can use it this way:
(ns my.namespace
(require: [claude.core :as cf]
[claude.mongodb :as cfm]
[claude.rabbitmq :as cfr]
[langohr.core :as lhc]
[monger.core :as mg]))
(defonce default-url "mongodb://")
(defn mongo-connect []
(if (cf/cloudfoundry?)
(mg/connect-via-uri! (cfm/url))
(mg/connect-via-uri! default-url)))
(defn rabbitmq-connect []
(if (cf/cloudfoundry?)
(lhc/connect (lhc/settings-from (cfr/url)))
(defonce ^Connection conn (rabbitmq-connect))
- Add a proper
for the Maven repositories - Improve Integration with Cloud Foundry services
The original version of this library was based on this blog post.
Copyright © 2012 Alvaro Videla
See the LICENSE file.