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Dirk-Jan Faber edited this page May 11, 2022 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the node-red-contrib-victron wiki!

See for more information on running Node-RED on Venus OS.

On the example-Flows page you can find some examples.


I get numbers with too many decimals / strange rounding

This is the way the messages are coming over the d-bus. If you want specific rounding, you can do this with a Node-RED function containing:

msg.payload = +(msg.payload.toFixed(1));

return msg;

Write/read file gives "Error: EACCESS: permission denied'

Since Venus OS 2.90 and onwards, Node-RED no longer runs as user root, but as user nodered. This means that the Node-RED flows are only allowed to access files and directories that are owned by the nodered user. These files typically start below /data/home/nodered/. So modifying the storage location ought to work. E.g.:

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