This project has been dedicated to an academic activity at Fatec Campinas.
Before start, make sure you meet these requirements:
- You have installed the latest stable version of
- You have installed and configured the latest stable version of
To install Hello-Mongo, follow these steps:
Clone the project and run the command in the root directory:
npm install
Change the file ./database/customerController
with your database data into these constants:
const db = client.db('your_database');
const collection = db.collection('your_collection');
Run the server with this line in the command line:
node index.js
Test and enjoy! π
To contribute, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch with your feature name:
git checkout -b mynewfeature
. - Make your changes and confirm:
git commit -m 'messagehere'
- Push your change to the original branch:
git push origin mynewfeature
- Create the pull request.
Instead, you can check the GitHub documentation Creating a Pull Request.
This project is under license. Check the file LICENSE for more details.