These are the ACA-py steps and APIs involved to support credential revocation.
Run ACA-Py with tails server support enabled. You will need to have the URL of an running instance of
Incude the command line parameter --tails-server-base-url <indy-tails-server url>
Publish credential definition
Credential definition is created. All required revocation collateral is also created and managed including revocation registry definition, entry, and tails file.
POST /credential-definitions { "schema_id": schema_id, "support_revocation": true, # Only needed if support_revocation is true. Defaults to 100 "revocation_registry_size": size_int, "tag": cred_def_tag # Optional } Response: { "credential_definition_id": "credential_definition_id" }
Issue credential
This endpoint manages revocation data. If new revocation registry data is required, it is automatically managed in the background.
POST /issue-credential/send-offer { "cred_def_id": credential_definition_id, "revoc_reg_id": revocation_registry_id "auto_remove": False, # We need the credential exchange record when revoking ... } Response { "credential_exchange_id": credential_exchange_id }
Revoking credential
POST /issue-credential/revoke?rev_reg_id=<revocation_registry_id> &cred_rev_id=<credential_revocation_id>&publish=<true|false>
If publish=false, you must use
to publish pending revocations in batches. Revocation are not written to ledger until this is called. -
When asking for proof, specify the timespan when the credential is NOT revoked
POST /present-proof/send-request { "connection_id": ..., "proof_request": { "requested_attributes": [ { "name": ... "restrictions": ..., ... "non_revoked": # Optional, override the global one when specified { "from": <seconds from Unix Epoch> # Optional, default is 0 "to": <seconds from Unix Epoch> } }, ... ], "requested_predicates": [ { "name": ... ... "non_revoked": # Optional, override the global one when specified { "from": <seconds from Unix Epoch> # Optional, default is 0 "to": <seconds from Unix Epoch> } }, ... ], "non_revoked": # Optional, only check revocation if specified { "from": <seconds from Unix Epoch> # Optional, default is 0 "to": <seconds from Unix Epoch> } } }